Minneapolis MN

835 40 12


He was all she could think about, all she could dream about like he was some sort of disease. Kirstie tried, to get him out of her head, she really did but he had infected her to the core and she was not quite sure what to do about that. He was strictly off limits, she was not allowed to touch, not allowed to kiss, yet she still somehow managed to break those rules.

It had only happened once since the that one time. They had arrived into Minneapolis the night before and the band along with the rest of the crew were helping to transfer what they needed to the venue before they headed off to their hotel for the night. Somehow the two of them were left on the bus all alone. Somehow the thought of their current situation managed to make both of them blush. Somehow they found themselves gravitating towards each other and moving towards a more secluded part of the vehicle. Somehow her lips found his in the dim lighting and he returned it wholeheartedly.

It was wonderful. Utter bliss. Everything she had felt in their previous kiss returned, confirming that the wonder of the two's lips together was not due to alcohol. She had only a moment to savour the feeling before the bass would recover his senses and guiltily retreat away from her and she concentrated on every second of it, relishing the moment before it passed.

Then just as suddenly as the two came together, they fell apart once more both feeling ashamed of their seconds of weakness. As much as she needed him, craved him, she was still with another man, a man she was certain she was in love with.

Giving herself a once over in her dressing room mirror, Kirstie smiled at the thought of the night before. It had been great. All the flustered glances and exchanges between the two that day had been worth it, it meant that it had actually happened, it was real and they were both feeling the aftershock of what they had done. Her thoughts were interrupted from a knock at her door and shamelessly she hoped it would be the man she was thinking about.

"Hey," Kirstie turned around smiling, immediately recognising Esther's face poking through the doorframe. She assumed she was there to relay an admin message to her, perhaps a changed departure time or a faulty light, but the reserved look upon her face told Kirstie otherwise.

Clearing her throat, Esther stepped into the room, closing the door firmly behind her before opening her mouth to nervously speak. Esther never had been good with personal confrontation, she could argue with as many business people as was humanly possible without her emotions wavering but the moment the subject of her inquiries became personal, she turned into a mess.

"What are you doing with my brother?" She firmly stated, clearly she had rehearsed the question.

For a slight second, Kirstie allowed her mind to panic, taking in the awkwardness of the situation. Kirstie had expected Esther's questions to come, she had been watching the two of them like a hawk for the last week and knew perhaps more than anyone that something was between the two singers. Part of her wanted to tell her everything, she was desperate to tell someone other than Avi about what was going on between them but she was his sister - his older, over-protective sister - and that would only end in disaster. When the intense moment of worry concluded, Kirstie's brain stepped into overtime as she begun to think of an answer.

"Nothing...what do you mean?" She pulled out from the back of her mind the hours of drama classes she had taken to force out her answer, hoping to God that she passed as clueless to the manager.

Esther sighed and pushed back until she was leaning against the door to the dressing room, trying to find support on whatever she could. She was nervous, she wanted to leave the room quickly and forget that the conversation never almost happened but then she remembered her brother - she was doing this for him. "Come on Kirstie, something's going on. You like never talked and now you're back acting like you were when everyone thought you two were getting it on...If I'm not mistaken, I would even go as far as to say the two of you were having an affair."

Everything Changes (Kavi)Where stories live. Discover now