Anaheim, CA

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Well this isn't exactly Wednesday like I planned but this chapter turned out a lot longer than I thought. But hey! At least I finished this before I went to sleep so an argument could be made that it's still Wednesday for me...right?


The tourbus was eerily quiet for that time at night. Usually when they were heading off to the next city, the bus would be bustling with noise straight after a concert but since they were near home, Esther had organised them to set off early in the morning so they could all go out and meet up with friends. Avi had chosen to stay behind, not fancying a night on the town with the mutual friends that had come to see them all, he had talked to them in the dressing rooms so he didn't feel completely guilty but still a part of him wished he had chosen to agree with Mitch's pleas to go out with them. There wasn't even a great reason for him not going either, he was just tired and tired Avi meant grouchy Avi and no one wanted that. Two shows in the space of two days and a full day of travelling had taken it out of him. He never could sleep well when they were going from place to place. Travel had always brought him joy even as a child, even something as simple as driving to the next town over used to bring him happiness, he just adored discovering new things and that usual meant he stayed awake for most of it.

In hindsight, he should have prepared something for him to do while he sat alone in the bus, waiting for either the bus' other residents to return or sleep to finally come upon him. He had resorted to sitting in the darkness of the front lounge, religiously searching his social medias to see what was going on in the world yet after about half an hour of doing so, he was well and truly bored out of his mind. But then a noise from outside of the bus pulled his mind from his phone and his eyes snapped towards the door in a flash.

The lock began to turn and Avi hastily sat up to try and see who was trying to enter. It was probably just one of the crew coming to pick up something they had forgotten but he was still apprehensive, years of watching Hollywood movies had wired Avi to consider the idea that he could be brutally murdered by a stranger coming through the door. Luckily, the person coming onto the bus was a little less daunting than an axe wielding murderer. Kirstie's familiar blonde hair was just about visible as she quickly stepped onto the bus, turning around to lock the door behind her for the precise reason Avi had locked it after him - paranoia. She rushed up the stairs only to stop dead in her tracks when she saw him lounging on the couch.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know you were here." She murmured, arms crossed across her chest and her eyes glued to the ground. Her stance was a little odd and far from her usual bubbly self but Avi just brushed it off, putting it down to the fact they were completely alone on the bus.

"You didn't fancy going out either?" He mirrored her awkwardness, throwing his phone aside and choosing instead to pick at a loose thread on the couch beside him.

"No, I don't think alcohol would help my throat."

Kirstie's health hadn't improved much since Las Vegas, Avi had noticed on stage that Rather Be had been a little off, not flat or anything just not very Kirstie-ish.

"True, probably for the best. Isn't Seth with you?" Avi glanced behind her just in case he had slipped in without him realising thinking the two of them may have come back to the bus for a bit of privacy but there was nobody there.

Avi figured he wasn't, if he was she wouldn't have locked the door behind her. It was weird he wasn't with her, Avi would have thought they'd be spending as much time as they could together until she had to leave him again. It's what he would have done if he was as in love as they were.

"No, he has to work."

"Work? It's like twelve o'clock." His eyebrows were raised in shock and Kirstie was desperate for him to stop staring at her, it was burning her.

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