Los Angeles, CA

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This is the #soon surprise i've been teasing for the past week! Hope you enjoy! Also, the character of Seth is by no means based on Jeremy, I wanted Kirstie to have a problematic relationship and I felt it would make me feel uncomfortable to write about the two of them like that since from what I can deduce, they are far from it.

Currently updating every Sunday and Wednesday.


The couple on the bed both groaned into the pillows as her alarm broke through the silence that their room had held for the night. It was 5:30 in the morning, an ungodly time to be getting up but the band would kill her if she didn't get ready and make it on to the airport on time. She was overjoyed that they had chosen to fly to Oakland instead of driving all day, not only would it cut the tour shorter by one day, it would also mean she didn't have to be stuck in a bus all day. Kirstie loved going on tour, she loved the people, she loved meeting the fans, she loved the rush she got every night on stage but she detested long sessions on the bus. She hated how constricted she felt on it, there would be like 10 people forced to be in the same space as each other, it got warm, it got loud but at least she had a bed.

Kirstie moaned unenthusiastically and huffed as she threw the covers off of her, hoping to startle herself awake. Seth had groggily wafted his arm around beside him until he found the alarm and turned it off and grunted as he turned his head back into the pillow, not feeling the need to wake up to be with her for those last few minutes.

Hopping out of bed, she forgo a shower knowing from experience that she'd rather have one after than before the plane ride and instead chose to clumsily get dressed in the dark, careful not to make too much noise and wake up her sleeping boyfriend. After she had gotten herself ready for the day, she retrieved her phone and stepped out of the room. Kirstie called a taxi to take her to the airport, knowing that her boyfriend will not be up in time to take her. He was like that every time she went away, unhelpful, at first she thought he was just doing it because he missed her but she now believed he didn't because he was just lazy. After a year and a half of dating and then a few months of living together, Kirstie knew the magic had left their relationship but then again, she was sure it always did by that time. The honeymoon period was well and truly over and the curtains they had masked themselves behind in the first few months of dating had fallen and their true selves revealed. She knew that he was no longer the fairytale prince she had dreamed of but they were comfortable together, stable, and that was exactly what she needed in her crazy life. The romance would just be an added bonus that she had learnt to live without.

She got a text that her car was outside waiting for her so she walked back to the bedroom once more to say goodbye to her tired boyfriend.

"Seth?" She gently called out, not wanting to cut the silence with her voice too harshly.

All she got in reply was a grunt.

"I'm going now - bye."


Sighing, she closed the door once more and gathered up her things to bring down to the lobby with her, there was no lift down to the ground so she had to make two trips with her bags not because there were many of them but because they were really heavy. She knew that she'd be back in LA in just a couple weeks time so she had packed lightly which for her meant two large and filled to the brim suitcases. Luckily the taxi driver saw her struggling through the glass of the lobby and ran out of his car to go and help her get them to the car. She could tell he hadn't lived in LA for long, no taxi driver who had been in the city for more than a year was chivalrous, they were all selfish just like the majority of the city. They set off earlier than she had planned, like every time she went on tour she got up fifteen minutes earlier than she needed to just in case Seth wanted to say a proper goodbye to her but that had not been the case for a while.

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