Chapter 39

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Bree's POV

Luke holds my hand as we walk to the resturant.  I was wearing my hair in a messy bun and no make up, I was in a rush to go.

"Wow, Bree. You look beautiful!" Luke says to me. 

"Are you kidding me?" I laugh.

"I am being honest, do it more often, you are  nautrally beautiful!" Luke says

I blush and throw my head into his chest

"I love you." He says

"I love you more." 

We arrive at the resturant and take our seats. The waitor takes our order. Luke asks for pancakes with whipped cream. 

"I'm not that hungry, so, can I have,  hm. Can I have a bowl of fruit?" 

"Is that it for you?" The waitor asks me.

"Uhm, no. And 2 waffles with extra fruit, syrup and whipped cream."

"And is that it?"

"Can I also have a side of home fries?" 

"Now, is this it?" the waitor asks. 

"Yes, thank you." I reply. He rolled his eyes and walk away. I looked over at Luke as I sipped my chocolate milk, he was shocked. 

"You k?" I ask and smile

"Uhm. Yah. Just, you could feed so many children in Africa with that shit.." Luke says

"Well, I see how it is." I say.

"Mwah!" He air kisses me

"No fuck you. I wanna date my waffles" I say to him. He put his hand over his mouth and gasped. 

"That's right." I say tweeking my head at him. Our food arrives. As I snarle at my food,and eat a huge piece of the waffle. Luke takes a scoop of his whipped cream and shoves it in my face.

"OH HELL NO" I yell, and take my whipped cream and shove it in his. 


"COME AT ME!" I yell, by now the whole place on staring at us. He takes his fruit drizzle and throws it at me. I throw mine back. 

I take my whole waffle and chuck it at him. "COME GET ME!" I run around a table of old people as he chases me, we are both drenched in breakfast food. 

"BREE I FUCKING LOVE YOU!"  He gives me an agressive  compliment. 

"LUKE BROOKS, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MORE" I say, he comes over to me and picks me up and walks me to the doors, the security is there. 

"You kids m-" The guard says

"Yeah yeah, we already FUCKING know." Luke cuts him off. He kisses me and give the guy a wink. He was confused.

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