Chapter 37

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When we got to the airport I got out we wheeled our suitcases down through the airport. Holding our tickets we walked through Luke wore his black beanie Jai wore his SnapBack and Beau was wearing a SnapBack as well. I notice some girls point at them and smile with a shocked look I looked at them weird. I struggled with a suitcase Jai took the handle from me I carried his carry-on. We reached the boarding lines after going threw security.. We sat down in our seats.

Jai to my right, Beau to my left Luke, Sam and Bree were sitting across from me.

3 hours into the 22 hour flight every one was asleep but me and Beau. Beau took out his phone showing me this new app he had called "Heads Up!" By Ellen. We were laughing and joking around, This was also one of those moments when I could soak in Beau's appearance I mean I hardly saw him Sam and him usually hang out alone..

He had beautiful amazing emerald green eyes, Italian olive skin and of course muscles... I only realized I was staring at Beau when he snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Oh sorry" I said he smiled

"It's aright" he smiled..

4 hours later...

Beau and Jai were sleeping on my shoulders I closed my eyes trying to sleep. I just couldn't do it.. We were only 7 hours into our 22 hour flight. I took out my phone and took a Selfie getting Jai and Beau sleeping on my shoulders in it. I did I pouty lip in it I took a picture of Bree and Luke sleeping Bree with her head on his shoulder and their hands held. JAI'S head slipped off my shoulder and onto my lap I smiled down at him I took his pillow out from behind him and put it on my lap gently lifting his head onto it. I played with his hair I felt my eyelids get heavy. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Hours later...

"Syd, babe wake up." I opened my eyes to see Jai. I lifted my head from Beau's

"Are we there yet?" I asked he smiled

"Yeah we just landed." He said I nodded he stood up ad helped me up

I grumbled

"My hair probably looks like shit" I said he smiled and put his SnapBack on my head facing backwards and pecked my lips I smiled

"As much as I'm enjoying my view down here, Syd can you move so I can get up?" Beau said I realized he was talking about my butt and blushed out of embarrassment. Jai chuckled and pulled me out of the seating area. We all got off the plane. Walking into the Dominican Airport. I inhaled

"Aww the smell of tropical air" I said

"Haven't you ever been to a tropical place before?" Jai asked

"Nope" I said

"Glad to be your first time" Jai said with a playful wink I blushed.

He grabbed my hand as we walked to the doors

"A limo?!" Sammie yelled

"A thought you'd like it" Beau said she turned to him

"You did this?!" She asked Beau nodded she hugged him she pulled him into the car I laughed.

We all sat in the limo out luggage was packed and we drove off. Luke opened the sun roof and screamed

"I'm so happy to be here!" He yelled I laughed Beau was next he yelled loud in his deep voice throwing his arms up in the air sticking his tongue out.

When we arrived at the hotel it was night. we each got rooms side by side. I stood by the window Jai stood behind me wrapping his arms around me. He kissed my neck I smiled he chuckled against my neck

"Wanna go swimming?" He asked

"Jai, it's likes 2 am." I said he lifted my shirt off my stomach

"Come on babe" he said I smiled

"Fine." I said he took my hand

"Wait Aren't we gunna change?!" I asked

"No need." He said tugging me down the hall as we laughed we went down in the elevator and ran threw the doors Jai chuckled he let go I my hand and ran and jumped into the pool!

"Jai!" I yelled smiling he surfaced shaking his hair out in he swam over to the shallow end

"Come here" he said I smiled and shook my head

"Your crazy" I said

"Babe.. Come on" he said I shook my head

"Give me a kiss" he said standing at te edge of the pool, I walked over and sat with my shoes and up to the knees of my jeans in the water Jai stood between my legs and leaned his head up I kissed him he put his hands on my back. I could taste the salt on Jai's lips from the salt water. He started to slowly pull me closer to the edge of the pool. I didn't mind I was to busy kissing him. He quickly pulled me into the pool. I gasped against his lips he chuckled.

"Jai!" I shrieked he smirked giggling he pulled me against him once more I smiled leaning into to kiss him.

Jai and I splashed each other laughing I was getting tired of my shirt sticking to my body so I tried to take it off

"Need a hand?" Jai asked just the fact that Jai was taking off my shirt gave me butterflies. He threw it off to the side I smiled and pulled at the hem of his he smiled I peeled his shirt off with his assistance and giggled throwing it off to the side.

He leaned in kissing me, he put his thumbs in the belt loops of my jeans. I smiled and leaned away

"Hey you two!" Our heads snapped in the direction of the tubby security guard advancing towards us. We swam to the edge and grabbed our shirts.

"Don't make me chase you!" He yelled in a threatening tone.

Jai chuckled and grabbed my hand and pulled me along. We ran threw the pool area jumping over the chairs and laughing.

We reached a set of doors and threw them open. We ran threw the hall and then reached the lobby.

Running threw laughing with a fat Yelling security guard behind us chasing us we probably gave everyone a laugh we reached the elevator area. Jai threw open the stair door and we skipped up the steps 2 at a time.

We heard the clinking of the security guards keys following after us. When we reached our floor Jai opened the door for me then shut it after himself and put a chair under the doorknob from the hall we ran to our room and put the key in. We shut the door and started to laugh trying to catch our breath at the same time.

I went into the bathroom and splashed water on my face, I hated the feeling dry salt water left on my skin.

Jai came up behind me and popped open the button of my jeans. I looked up at him he kissed my neck only moving his eyes to meet mine in the mirror.

I turned around and put my forehead on his.

"I love you" he whispered

"I love you too" I whispered

He put one of his shirts on the counter and a pair of his basketball shorts.

I didn't know if I was ready to loose my V-Card. Believe Jai was the only person I want to loose it with. But was I too young? I needed to talk to Sam or Bree before I made up my mind.

I smiled and pecked Jai's cheek

"Meet you out there in 2" I said smiling he nodded and walked out.

I changed into the clothes he left me, they smelt like him. I walked out to Jai in pj pants and no shirt on he looked away from his phone, locking it he turned onto his side and smirked

"You look hot" he said I blushed as I walked towards him. He pulled my back against his chest and held my hand.

I fell asleep like a baby. Beside the most important person in my world.



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