Chapter 11 - Moms can't flirt

Start from the beginning

I walked back to the car not long after that and got back to the comic book shop. Our new boss was supposed to come in today and I was a bit late. I hadn't lied to Mary when I told her that I got my new boss today, I just didn't tell her that the funeral and the time I was supposed to show up to work didn't coincide.

"Mom?" I questioned. She was chatting with a tall dark haired guy over the counter. He looked to be in his late thirties with a supermodel build. His black leather jacket and rumpled hair just improved his looks.

"Oh," she said with a chuckle, "Oliver, I was just talking with Mr. Hunter here. He's the new landlord, and owner of the shop. He was just telling me a funny joke."

'Mr. Hunter' broke out a smile, "Oh, please, Mrs. Storm, call me Chad."

Mom blushed. "Oh, I haven't been Mrs. Storm for years. Call me Sharon."

I almost gagged. Mom hadn't been interested in any guys since dad. After he died, she swore off all guys. She concentrated her resources on raising me instead. If I didn't know any better, 'Chad' had been flirting with her.

"Okay . . . should I leave you two lovebirds alone, or . . .?"

Mom blushed an even deeper shade of red somehow. "Oliver!" then she turned to Chad, "I'm sorry for my son's behavior."

Chas smiled and showed of movie star level white teeth, "It's no problem, Sharon."

Mom blushed one last time before heading up to our apartment. I was left with my new boss, Chad Hunter.

"So, you're my other employee?" he asked.

I nodded. "So you've met Eric?"

"Yeah, he's really something, isn't he?"

I could tell Eric had done something to make had feel strange about him, which wasn't unusual. He, like me, was probably feeling threatened by Daniel's replacement.

"So, you're hours will be about the same as when you worked under . . . Mr. Jackson. Your mother has told me that your school requires a lot of homework hours, so I've allotted the breaks in your work schedule for that. Anymore questions?"

I shook my head. Chad obviously knew about what Daniel used to do (who didn't at this point) and he also was obviously uncomfortable with it. I would be just perfect if Chad was a Remedist, wouldn't it?

"Great, you start today. I'll be gone for the day. You and Eric switch shifts at eight." He said, heading out the door. When he was gone, I headed around the counter and sat down.

Man, so my new boss was . . . interesting. He might hate supers and he might have a crush on my mom, great. Just great.

The bell above the door rang and I looked up, prepared for another bored customer, but instead face Mary. Mary never showed up at my work, and I thought she didn't know where it was, quite frankly.

"Olly, I see you're in town." She greeted.

"Yeah . . ."

She huffed. "You told us at lunch that you'd be gone for the day, remember? It was your excuse for not going to your boss's funeral."

"I . . . umm . . . I was . . . ahh"

"Here's what I think you were doing," she started, "you were here. You just made up an excuse so we wouldn't think it was weird that you didn't show up. I mean – even Ian and I had to go because of our mom and good publicity and stuff. You're closer to him and you didn't even show up, isn't this at least a little bit suspicious?"

I was speechless. If any of my friends had figured out my identity, I would've least expected Mary. Sure, she was controlling and a natural leader, but that didn't mean that she was a mastermind. Ian, with all of his sleuthing, was most likely to find out who I was. And then I figured Elise would be the next in line since I'd met her before as my super persona. Plus, she may seem quiet, but she's just analyzing every little detail.

But Mary?

I was just starting to think up excuses when she placed a hand on my shoulder. "I understand, Oliver."

"You do?" I asked tentatively.

"Yes, you know you can tell me anything, right? We're friends."

"I . . . umm . . . well, I didn't think you'd know. How'd you find out? What did I do?"

She frowned sadly, "Oh, it's so obvious, Olly."

"It is?"

I had thought I kept my secret very well, apparently not.

"You've just got to admit it to yourself first. I know it's hard. You're not alone here, you've got me. I've had to deal with it before to."

"You have?" I was seriously confused now.

"Yes." She walked around the counter and brought me into a big hug. "You need to let your feelings out, Oliver. You can't keep them bundled up like this. You miss Daniel, and you've got to admit that to yourself. I know what it feels like to lose someone close to me. I also tried to keep it to myself, but it didn't do any good. You've got to let it out, Oliver. I'm here for you if you ever want to talk about it." She said sincerely, squeezing me closer.

I had totally misread the situation. Mary just thought I was avoiding the funeral because I had mixed feelings about Daniel's death. She thought I was grieving, she didn't actually know about me being White Lightning.


"And I know it is hard learning that he kept such a big secret from you, but it was for a good reason. He was saving the city from bad guys – using his gifts for good. You can't blame him for doing his civil duty, Oliver. Now, I know that when my Aunt Esmerelda died, she wasn't keeping a secret like this from me, but I still understand where you're coming from."


"Oh, Olly!" she squeezed me even tighter, "You don't have to go through this alone."

"You're kind of squishing me." I managed to choke out.

She let go of me and backed up a step or two. "Are you okay now, Oliver?"

"I don't think I'll ever be okay, but I'll manage." I replied. It looked like I chose the right words because Mary jumped forward and gave me another quick, cobra-like hug.

"I love you Oliver. We all do. I hope you know that. Be okay, all right?" She gave me puppy eyes and I nodded. Mary left a couple minutes later after I was able to convince her that I would be fine for now.

I couldn't believe the huge bullet I had managed to dodge. Mary didn't know that I was White Lightning, she was just being a good friend. I was so glad she was as ignorant as she was, or she would've caught me in my act.

What she didn't know what that I had dealt with my mixed feelings about his death, but they were for a different reason. Delinquent was still out there, ruining our reputation and increasing the Remedist's anti-super position. She was still partly responsible for Daniel's death, something I would never be able to forgive.

I still had a lot to deal with, and if Mary thought my being distraught was about Daniel, then let her. It would be one more person out there who didn't want to end me or figure out my identity.

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