Chapter Twenty-Seven: Shut Up You Imbecile

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"Ow, you little shit!" Zeus cries out after getting a red hot laser to the face courtesy of Rancor.

Rancor chuckles maniacally. "Aww Zeusy, did that hurt?" He asks, sarcasm dripping from his words. Zeus automatically rolls his eyes dramatically and shoots a bolt of lightning at Rancor, which he easily dodges, flying out of the way.

Zeus grunts angrily. "Quit moving around so much!" Anybody with a brain can tell that Zeus is immensely ticked off right now. Zeus launches another bolt and this time it hits Rancor's shoulder. Rancor mutters something to himself and clutches his shoulder in his hand.

"That wasn't very nice." Rancor says in a whining voice. Zeus just smiles smugly in response but doesn't hesitate to shoot another bolt at him. This time it hits Rancor in the head and sends him flying backwards. He hits the wall and we all make an 'ooh' sound.

"Shut up you imbecile!" Zeus calls back. Ghost takes a few steps forward, onto the battle ground.

"Okay ladies, enough cat fighting. Get out of the ring."

Ghost points to Maximus. "Maximus, your turn in the ring." He says then points to El Diablo. "And you, get in here." El Diablo pushes himself off the wall and strolls casually into the circle.

Once they stand on either side of Ghost facing each other, Ghost asks, "Ready you two?" They both nod their heads. "Okay... go!" Ghost immediately flies out of there to give the two some space.

Maximus smirks evilly at El Diablo as the two of them walk in a circle, not breaking eye contact. El Diablo flashes a nonchalant, toothy smile and gives a girly wave. Maximus suddenly starts glowing, a giant yellow aura illuminating from his body. He shoots out a ray from both hands and two balls of yellow light sit on the ground. El Diablo watches in confusion and boredom but then something peaks his interest.

The two moving yellow lights begin to morph and grow into two human figured beings, completely made out of light. They take a fighting stance and slowly move to either side of El Diablo. However, El Diablo doesn't seem worried at all... not even in the slightest. The beings shoot yellow light at him but they bounce off of an invisible force field.

Rancor elbows my arm and leans down to my level and whispers in my ear. "This is my favourite part." Suddenly El Diablo's body begins to turn into a goopy gelatine substance and grow. He grows until he is about ten feet tall. His entire body is a reddish colour and his eyes are ablaze with purple fire. The skin of his head and upper body is a deep shade of purplish-red and gradates into an orange, then yellow at his feet. Everyone looks in awe at this magnificent power, except for Maximus who looks at him in fear.

The light figures disappear and Maximus backs away, hands in the air to signify his surrender. "Okay, okay... you win buddy!" He yells. El Diablo shrinks down to normal size and smiles calmly and walks out of the circle to return back to his spot on the wall. Rancor reaches overtop of my head and high fives El Diablo.

"That was pretty cool." I say honestly.

El Diablo looks down at me. "I know." He replies smugly. I roll my eyes. Typical.

"Okay, now for you inexperienced asinine heroes, now that you know how it's done, I would like to see you all give it a shot. So partner up again and start fighting with your new found combat skills as well as your powers." Ghost walks out of the ring and leans against the wall, letting out an over exaggerated sigh.

"What time is it?" He asks Rancor. Rancor looks at his wrist which is absent of a watch.

"It's... hmm... well it appears that my watch is nonexistent. Sorry buddy." Rancor claps his hand onto the back of Ghost's shoulder.

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