The Shapeshifter: Surviving the Secrets part 6

Start from the beginning

"Great!" Alex exclaimed, dropping the book and giving a quick clap of his hands, breaking the silence hanging in the room. Everyone turned round to glare at him. "Oops. Sorry," he whispered, picking up the book and hastily propping it by the side of the cushioned sofa he was stationed on.

"So, let's get started," Jacob declared, more quietly this time so that Maddy had to lean forward to hear him.

"I never-"

"Oh, c'mon Mads, we're bored," Alex persisted in a low whisper. "Books? Seriously? Everything's so quiet and boring! It's always like this when it gets to evening." Then he held out his hands in beckoning. "So, you in?"


"Brilliant!" both boys chorused as one happily.

"Okay, I go first," Jacob decided, fixing Maddy with an evil glare. Maddy visibly deflated.

"Okay. Truth or dare?"

"Erm…truth?" Maddy squeaked, wondering how she got tied into this.

Both brothers raised their eyebrows. "You're supposed to say 'dare'," Alex pouted. "It's funner that way."


"I dare you to go and step on Spook's cloak," came the immediate reply.

Blinking, Maddy wondered if she had heard wrong. "What do you mean?"

"Step on it. Like, rip. Torn. Ruined," Jacob finished, a menacing grin creeping over his face.

"But why would you want me to do that?"

Tutting, Alex raised his eyes to the ceiling. "Spook's been annoying us for waaay too long. It's time for revenge!"

"Then why can't you do it?"

The brothers paused to think about this for a moment. "Well, he'll know it was us immediatley," Jacob finally explained slowly and carefully. "But if you, the shy, nervous new girl does it, he'll never suspect a thing!"

Unsure, Maddy glanced over to where Spook was chatting happily with Darren. As always, the red headed boy was taking the lead of the conversation, occasionally wafting his hand in emphasis. Darren just nodded and tried to look interested. The cloak was wrapped protectively around Spook's waist. It shone slightly as the sinking sun flooded in through the windows.

"Um…I can't," Maddy decided, turning back to the dismayed brothers.


"I mean, can't you get someone else to do it?" she added quickly.

"Nah. Everyone else is too wimpy to do it," Alex muttered, resting his chin on his hand in a sulky fashion. Both brothers looked longingly over at where Spook's cloak was strewn across the floor lazily, glimmering with the sequins carefully sewn to it. Spook was still wrapped up in the heated conversation, and Darren was staring longingly at his book on the other end of the common room, probably wishing he had the power of telekinesis right then.

As she gazed at them, Spook glanced over his shoulder and caught her gaze. Startled, Maddy dropped her gaze to the floor, but not before she caught sight of Spook beginning to move towards her. Great.

Maddy, Jacob and Alex looked up as one as the boy towered above them.

"Hey, Spence-"

Without warning, the Teller brothers gasped and stared in horror down at their feet. Maddy followed their gaze in confusion, seeing nothing but trainers and carpet. The boys, however, instantly began to whack their knees violently-"Hey! Cut that out!" Alex snapped up at Spook, who was watching them with a smirk.

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