"And i don't want to, just leave me alone and stay out of my life".

"I wish it were that simple, but i can't get you out of my mind it's the most distracting feeling I've ever had, at first i thought i just wanted to bang your brains out but it turned into much more than that".

His hands were cupping my face and his hips had us pinned, I've never seen him so vulnerable before.

"You make my heart hurt". And those words made mines explode...

"I can't do this Alex".

"Tell me why not- is there someone else because i promise you I'll find him and kill him to -

"You can't run around killing everyone Alex it's not normal! How the hell could anyone be okay with that!".

"You think i like feeling so fucking helpless around you-

"Well I'm sorry you feel that way grow a pair and move on -

" Your so-Fuck!, you make me want to pour myself into you over and over again, that cold exterior may fool a lot of men doll face but not me you fucking want me just as much as i want you - say it".

His face was just a few inches away from mines.

"I said to fucking say it-

"No!, you're not gonna do this to me". Ignoring the deep antagonizing pain sinking it's blood sucking emotionally draining fangs into me. Yes i fucking want him but not like this, maybe the guy that wanted to take me to Paris or italy sure but not this crazy asshole that killed my friend and lied to me, who knows what else he's hiding...

"Then you're not leaving here until you admit that you want this".

He moved away from me pacing the room, anger pouring off of him like the stench of alcohol on a drunk.

"I know i fucked up, it won't be the first time nor the last, I'm trying i really am but you're making this a whole more complicated than it should".

It scared me that he was talking about me and not directly to me and I'm standing only a few steps away from him.

"I would never cheat on you if that's what you're worried about - fuck I'll buy us a house and we can live together if that's what you want".

I'm afraid to say this but i think he's seriously lost it...

"I could've took a different path with us, i could've killed you it was the plan but things change you pried your way into here -. He said hitting his chest. " And it's the most exhilarating form of euphoria I've felt and fuck it i want more".


After more than two hours of bickering i slouched down on the nearest chair and shut my eyes but not sleep.

I felt him lifting me into his arms carrying me to destinations unknown, i wanted him to think i was sleeping this is the only same way for him to just stop talking and maybe fall asleep to so i can get away from him..... And boy did that work out....


He came at me so quickly i wish i could have just got sucked into the car, his huge built frame pressed directly onto mines against the car door.

"You're running away from me again-

"Alex I...-

" Just one kiss-


" That's all i want and I'll let you go, i won't come after you"

"And why should i trust you on this?".

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