Chapter 4: Traitor!

Start from the beginning

"Because you magically learned how to teleport unconsciously.  I brought you here.  You were... well, make that are, badly injured."  She replied with sarcasm apparent in the first sentence.  "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you.  If I was, I would have done so by now.  Actually, I wouldn't have brought you here in the first place." She seemed to ponder on the latter.

I narrowed my eyes but slowly pulled my hand away from my lightsaber. 

"Now sit back.  I'm a bit out of practice with bandages so those are loose.  I don't make a habit of getting hurt." She turned around as she said this and held a small bowl with mysterious looking green gunk in it.  I wrinkled my nose at the appearance.

"Please don't tell me that I have to-"

"Eat it?" She finished for me. "Unfortunately for you, yes you do.  It's a painkilling remedy.  It will numb the wound." She offered the bowl to me after pushing me back so I was half sat up, half lying down.  I took it reluctantly.

"Why are you helping me?  You don't strike me as a person to help others.  No offence." I said.

She grinned but it held no humour and perched on the end of the bed I was lying on.

"None taken.  But as for your question, that's for me to know and you to find out. Just be glad I brought you here, otherwise those TIE's probably would have found you when they come back looking for their probe.

"So you don't trust me?"

"Not in the slightest Alderaan.  You'll find that I don't trust anyone.  But just because I don't trust, doesn't mean I seal myself off from the rest of the Outer Rim." She replied.  "And besides, a wise person once told me, trust is the greatest of gifts, but it must be earned."

I had no reply for that. 

"You cannot stay long.  As soon as you are able, you have to leave.  I'm already a known criminal, without being charged with giving wanted people refuge.  You should be good to go in a few days time.  If you contact your friends to pick you up in the market square, I can drop you off there."  She said as she gave me my comm.

"Why did you have my comm?" I asked suspiciously.

"Your buddies were tying to contact you.  It was making too much noise, so I had to turn it off.  Now, I need to go and do some maintenance on my salvageable weapons.  I'll be upstairs if you need me.  But do me a favour.  Don't disturb me unless it's urgent.  Unlike you, I don't have people who can just lend weapons." She said slightly coldly.

I watched her go upstairs and shook my head.  I couldn't figure her out.  It was like she didn't want me here, but then why did she help me?  Brushing my thoughts aside, I activated my comm and called Sabine.  It was picked up in seconds.

"Ezra, where have you been!  We've been out of our minds with worry, thinking that the Empire had got you!  Things aboard the Ghost have been manic trying to find you!"

"Whoa, it okay, Sabine, I'm safe."

I think I am at least.

"Where are you?" She asked frantically.

"I don't know to be honest.  Somewhere in the housing estate in the Capitol.  Look..." My voice failed me, for once.  How did I explain that I was taking refuge in a fugitive/enemy's house?  I couldn't bring myself to turn her in to my friends.  That was unfair.  She'd possibly saved my life and saved me from capture from the Imperials, especially if those TIE's had come back looking for the probe.

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