Critical Condition

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First of all, I would like to thank the following people who supports this book and always floods my notifications with VOTES^_^


And others whom I missed to put here. Thank you very much

"tell me everything is alright" Suho stood up when he saw the doctor

"im sorry Sir, the patient lost so much blood" the doctor told Suho

"Is there anything I can do?" Suho is ready to give anything just to make Chorong live again


"Then take my blood. We're the same blood type" Suho is happy that there is still a way

"But there is only 25-75 percent she'll live" the doctor warned

"Just go take my blood" Suho insists

"If that's what you say sir. But we will try everything to keep her alive"

 Completed ★School's Prank Master★(Exopink fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now