My Turn To Cry

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(Chorong's pov)

Those memories are buried deeply into my heart. I don't know what to do that time

I haven't noticed that a tear fell to my face

"Chorong eonni? You alright? I was knocking for five minutes. Are you alright?" NaEun touched my forehead

"You're getting better now eonni!" She smiled

How come my girls are taking good care of me, meanwhile I just care about myself?

"Naeun. Please sit"

She sat beside me and asked

"Waeyo? Any problem?"

"Ani. Do you think I'm a bad person?" I want to know

"What? Of course not eonni. You're like the best friend I ever had. Please don't tell that to Bomi, cuz I know she'll kill me if she hear this" she's still cute, not changing

I laughed " seriously. Tell me, I won't be mad"

"Are you sure eonni?"

I nod

"Well, I think you're bad when you treat the boys like of you guys were enemies for forever"

Right... the reason why Suho is mad at me, because I left him and didn't went to him when he wants to meet me at the rooftop of our old school and the main reason is that, I called him 'a useless person'


Four years and a month ago~

"Come on rongie, I can explain really" he appeared on my hospital room

"No! You can't!" I shouted back

"Listen. Just listen to me even for a minute"

"No! Just get out if my way! Get out of my sight, and best of all, don't even be on ny sight!"

"Please. Only a minute will do rongie "

"Stop calling me rongie! You don't deserve it! You want to make me happy right?"

"Yes. Yes, I can even buy a lot of food for you, I can bring you to America, just let me explain"

"You want me to be happy right? Then leave me! We're over! I should've broke up with you five months ago! You're a useless person! Get out if my life. You promised me back then that you'll never leave me and you'll never make me cry. Now what is this? Huh?" I showed the couple ring he gave me

"No. Please"

"I'll never want to be your girlfriend. I hope you're happy with Charmaine now that I'm breaking up with you!"

"Excuse me Mr. Kim. You should not stress Chorong that way. May I please ask you to leave. Or I'll call the nurses"

"No! I want to prove you that I'm worthy to you Rongie!" He knelt down

"Nurse! Nurse!" The doctor went out

"No! You're just a stupid liar. I trusted you with my heart. But no! You broke the promise you gave me! Go away! Go away you useless trash!"

"Mr.Kim. lets go out now" the male nurse went in the room

"Please. I'm begging you. Its all a misunderstanding "

"Your life us not even worth it!" I shouted back

"Mr. Kim. Please get out or I'll call the guards" the other nurse threatened

"Fine. If that's how you like it. Then we're over!"

"Here! Take this with you too!" I threw the couple ring to him

"Get away from my sight!"

/end of flashbacks/

"Eonni! Why are your crying? Should I call a doctor now?"

"No. I'm fine. I just need to rest. That's all"

"Alright then. Goidnight"

 Completed ★School's Prank Master★(Exopink fan fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant