Operation S.T.M (Shave the man-chest-hair)

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The next day after school, Addison and I went to the computer lab to talk to some of the normies there. When I opened the door all eyes fell onto me. A skinny guy with messy blonde hair and glasses came rushing over to greet me.

"Vic- Victoria... It's my pleasure to greet you too our little humble abode." He said bowing down to my feet.

"Abode means residence." I said stepping away from the creepy normie. I looked up and noticed there was nothing but creeps in the room.

"Um...Who do I need to talk to for hacking?" I asked.

"Me." A tall guy approached Addison and I. He had long brown hair that he kept in a man bun, and was wearing a green polo that showed off his muscles.

"Ooh, your cute." Addison said playing with one of her pigtails. She was right, this guy was handsome for a computer geek.

He chuckled a bit and stuck out his hand. "The name's Conner Valentine."

Addison quickly grabbed his hand and shook it, biting her lip and looking him straight in the eyes. This went on for about four minutes until I grabbed Addison's hand away from his and pushed her to the side.

"Enough flirting, nice to meet you Conner." I said shaking his hand. His grip was pretty stern and he was so muscular, you'd think he played football.

"What can I do you for?" He said letting go of my hand. I cleared my throat and asked for a private area, he took us to a back room filled with computer nerd stuff.

"I need you to do A LOT of hacking, and I promise you won't get in trouble." I said.

"Hacking into where?" He said, plugging in a computer into an outlet.

"Well... I need you to hack into every camera at the school, and the cameras at Skylar Hamilton's house. Then hack into the big screen in the gym and play some footage at the coronation ceremony tomorrow."

"Okay, sounds fun." He said opening a software on his computer.

"Let's start with the school." I said smiling at Conner, he nodded and began typing a bunch of random numbers and letters. I could tell this was going to take a while so Addison and I sat down on the couch behind him and watched.


Hours later, Addison and I were asleep on the couch. Who knew watching someone hack was so boring. I felt a poke on my cheek, I woke up to see Conner smiling at me. I pushed Addison off me and followed Conner back to the computer.

"So, are you finished?" I yawned.

"Yep, I hacked into everyone's software, decoded them and reprogrammed them to your imac back at your house." He said

I scratched my head and placed a hand on my hip. "Um, English please?"

"Omg no Tori, his computer talk is sooooo hot." Addison said, clinging onto his muscles. I rolled my eyes and yanked Addison off of him and pulling her out the room behind me.

"Thanks Conner, bye!" I said trying to pull Addison some more.

"Woah, Woah, Woah. You owe me!" Conner said pulling me back into the room. I let go of Addison and gave Conner a 'What?' Face.

"Um... how much do you want?" I asked pulling out my wallet, Conner shook his head and smiled at Addison.

"I want Addison to be my date to the ceremony." He said, grabbing Addison's hand gently.

I rolled my eyes and watched Addison freak out. "Omg, Yes!" She squealed.

"Cool, thanks but we really must be going." I said, breaking Addison away from Conner.

"Great, see you later!" Conner said waving us goodbye.

Addison and I left the computer lab, and began to head for the school's front door when I saw Shane at the corner of my eye glaring at me.

"Can I help you? I asked. Shane stood up from his hiding spot and walked over to Addi and I.

"Yeah, I would like to know why you and Addison just walked out of the Computer lab. You never go near those computer geeks." He said giving me this nasty look.

"Um...Why do you care? Are you spying on us?"

"No! I mean yes...Ugh I'm onto you!" Shane said giving me and Addison the two finger point while glaring at us.

"Working for Lydia I assume." I flipped my hair in Shane's face and Addison and I turned and began to walk out.

"Sorry, I don't talk to traitors." I smiled and turned to wave him goodbye while we left the building.


Back at my place, Addison and I were checking the cameras storage when I discovered two videos. One of Andre and Lydia making out in a corner at school, and one of Lydia and Skylar talking in Skylar's bedroom. I decided to watch the one with Andre in it first.

The video started with just Lydia in a corner on her phone, then Andre approached her.

"Hey is your eye okay?"

"Yeah, just a black eye."

"I'm once again, sorry about Victoria..."

"It's okay." Lydia got closer to Andre.

"I'm not sure if you should be this close."

"Aw, Andre... Your single now, it's okay." Lydia leaned in and began kissing Andre. He didn't back away or anything and this went on for five minutes. I quickly clicked out of that video and onto the other of Lydia and Skylar. It started out as Skylar putting makeup on Lydia.

" Thank you so much Sky, for making this black eye for me."

"No problem. Besides, it's about time someone rain on Victoria's parade."

"True, and when I am picked as queen we are making changes to this little school. Making all these gullible peasants bow to us."

"Sounds great, your plan is working you are practically living Victoria's life."

"Yep. I have her EX-boyfriend wrapped around my finger."

"All done. Ready for school?"

"Let's go." Lydia and Skylar grabbed their bags and walked out the room. I cannot believe that Skylar was in on this little plan, she's going down too.

Suddenly a new video from the school came in and I noticed it was Lydia on the phone, what looked to be something that happened today at school. I clicked on it and began to watch it.

"Ashley, hey!"

"Of course I miss you guys back home, I'll be back real soon with a boyfriend."

"Yeah, the plan is going perfectly I have Tori's dumb ass friends Skylar and Shane doing everything I say, and getting Andre to hate her was so easy."

"How's this school? Well, it's pretty nice but ugh the teachers are terrible, the lunch ladies don't even cook and the students here are all stupid low life's"

"That's funny! Well, okay talk to you later okay? Bye." Lydia hanged up and walked away from the area she was in. I ended the video and got up from my desk, Addison was stalking Conner's instagram and playing with her pigtail again in a flirtatious way.

I rolled my eyes and pressed the button to my closet, revealing all of my clothes. I really needed new clothes I've worn all this stuff already, and I needed something stunning to wear as I ruined Lydia's life tomorrow at the ceremony. I closed my closet and grabbed my purse and sunglasses.

"Let's go Addison, we're going shopping."

Addison grabbed her stuff and we headed out to the mall we were now on a mission to find the right dresses to wear at the coronation.

Which, I could already tell...

Was going to be a blast!

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