Over Thrown from her Royal throne

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I could feel a soft touch over my forehead, I opened my eyes and was welcomed by my father and Sanchez. My dad's hand was resting on my head, and Sanchez was writing down some of my dad's orders. I sighed and continued to watch the speed of the pen Sanchez was holding.

"Sir, it appears she has awakened." He said.

"Victoria! Don't ever faint like that again." My dad said. I stood to my feet and picked at a loose thread on my skirt, only to find that my skirt had ripped when I fell. "What time is it?" I said trying to find my phone so I can check the time.

"Relax Tori, you was only out for 5 minutes." My dad said, getting from off his knee. I sighed in relief because last thing I needed was a party that flopped. Especially since MTV, and other useless networks were filming my entire party.

"Victoria DAR-LING!" a familiar voice called, I turned to see my personal stylist, Escobav standing near the entrance with his 80's looking blazer and yellow star sunglasses, with his funny looking purple hairdo. He stomped over, being followed by his assistant Mimi who was struggling with all his equipment.

"Darling what on earth happened to that gorgeous sequence skirt?" He exclaimed, examining my skirt like it was simply terrifying.


"This is horrid darling, we need to get you into something fierce stat!" he demanded, while clapping his hands for Mimi to walk faster so he could get some stuff out of his fashion chest.

I headed to a room with Escobav and he began to work his magic, blending makeup, and adding bobby-pins. With so little time, Escobav was working extremely fast, it almost felt like he was just splatting makeup on my face like a painting hungry artist with a blank canvas. I heard him snap his fingers and Mimi rushed to hand Escobav a mirror.

"Voilà!" He said, shoving the mirror in front of my face. I grabbed it and examined myself really quickly just to make sure that no hair was out of placed, and my eyebrows weren't asymmetrical.

"U-um...Miss. Meiwether, your dress..." Mimi stuttered and shyly handed me my carefully wrapped dress. I unwrapped it and heard the Oooh coming from Escobav's mouth.

"Simply FAB!" He said and opened the door to the room. "Mimi, please help her if she needs it." He ordered then walked out the room, caring the brown wooden door with him.

Mimi helped me slip into my coral two-piece bateau floor length organza dress, and then assisted me with my shoes. While I was strapping up my heels, someone knocked on the door.

"Miss Meiwether, MTV is here." Sanchez said.

Well guess it was show time. I grabbed my phone to text Allison to see if she was here. I headed out to the front gates to greet the T.V. networks, There was about four waiting to film my super sweet sixteen.

"I'm Victoria Meiwether! Welcome to my sweet sixteen!" The networks rushed in with there cameras and began to film everything. I gestured Sanchez and François to open the gates for the guests. Tons of screaming teens squeezed through the gates all at once. I turned to see a lady with a MTV camera man, she held out her microphone and began asking me tons of thought provoking questions.

"Victoria, how it does it feel to land rank number two on the party chart, blowing Beyoncé and T-Swift out of the waters?" She asked.

"Well, it's absolutely shocking to see that Ariana Grande is still rank number one, considering her last party was a flop, but honestly I'm honored that I am rank number two! Just know, Taylor, Ariana and Beyoncé, I am winning rank one next year, Kisses"

Behind the reporter I saw a limo pull up, who did I invite that would pull up in a limo? I pushed the reporters out of my way and walked up to the gate, where a crowd was beginning to form. Two girls stepped out of the limo, both brunettes. The one on the left was wearing a short turquoise dress that had a tail draping behind her, and the one on the right had on a strapless purple dress with diamonds lining the bottom. I heard a girl say they were the prettiest there and rushed past me with her friends. I followed to get a better look and then I noticed it was Lydia and Skylar.

How dare they come to my sweet sixteen looking better than me? I quickly needed to end this, they were getting all the attention at my party! I looked around for Shane and Addison, until I saw them waving me over.

"Did you get what I told you to get?" I asked.

"Of course Tori. Three, ten gallons of black paint." Addison said.

"Oh me too!" Shane exclaimed holding up one tiny bucket. I looked at him with the most annoyed look ever. I was so close to slapping him.

"Oh I'm sorry Shane, is your gay brain too small and foggy to follow kindergarten orangutan simple instructions to get a BIG bucket!" I yelled. Shane lowered the bucket and glanced down at his shoes. I directed Addison and Shane to their spots, and told them to wait for their cues.

I began to mingle with all the T.V. reporters, when I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Andre holding some roses and giving a goofy adorable smile.

"Awe Andre! Your too cute!" I said hugging him as tight as I could. He chuckled and brushed a few strands of hair out of his eyes.

"Happy birthday, Baby." He said, I took the flowers from him and smelled them. I was really grateful, I mean I can't be materialistic with a guy with a cute ass face.

I noticed someone waving me over, it was Addison. I smiled at Andre once more and then excused myself to meet Addison off to the side. "What?" I asked.

"I over heard Lydia say she was leaving because the party was lame." Addison said, I rolled my eyes because people dancing, drinking, swimming, and playing volleyball was lame. "Mkay, time to proceed to phase 2" I said.

Addison nodded and headed towards the stage to make an announcement. When she finally reached the stage she turned on the microphone and began to speak. "Excuse me everyone, EXCUSE ME!" The out of control party guest began to calm down and pay attention.

"Thank you. Now for the moment you all have been waiting for, I will like to bring forth the one that made this whole party possible, Meiwether High's princess herself, the one and only Victoria Meiwether!" Everyone cheered as I made my way on to the stage and snatched the microphone away from Addison.

"Thank you, Thank you all for coming to my Super Sweet Sixteen!" The crowd applaud again.

"I would also like to thank my dad, for providing the money and support, My boyfriend Andre for being here, all the T.V. networks that showed up to day. All of you for making me your Meiwether Queen many times before and hope you all cast your votes for this month's elections, and lastly I'd like to thank my dear friend's Lydia and Skylar!" I said. Everyone cheered and a spot light found the two in the crowd sipping on punch.

"Why don't you two come join me up here?" I smiled. Two body guards assisted Lydia and Skylar onto the stage.

"Victoria, What are you doing?" Skylar asked.

"Appreciating my dear friends." I smiled again and grabbed a nearby camera to capture the moment.

"Don't these two look absolutely stunning tonight?" I asked.

The crowd went wild once more and I continued to shush them.

"Well..." I continued, "As a gift from the bottom of my heart I would like to present you two with a little black surprise."

Suddenly, black paint fell from above, I felt a shove and then I heard laughter. I looked up to see people pointing and laughing and the T.V. networks catching every second of what was happening.

"Nice try whore, but I'm not that stupid." Lydia said, I looked at her and Skylar who still looked absolutely fabulous, I looked down at my hands and noticed black paint dripping from my hands.

"Omg Tori get down before you dry!" Addison yelled. Everything was happening so fast, I could feel myself about to scream! I wanted to rip the smirks right off Lydia and Skylar's faces.

"Turn off the cameras!!" I screamed.

"Turn them off!"

"Turn them off!"

"Turn them off!"

That's all I heard coming from my mouth.

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