Miss Queen Bee

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It took me a second to realize what was happening, I was wearing a fabulous baby pink silk dress with a coco chanel hand bag. Oh, and don't let me forget the silver heels I was wearing that had 8-carat diamonds embedded on the straps. So your probably wondering, why is Victoria Meiwether all dressed up? Well, ¨Normie¨ I'm being crowned as Queen of Meiwether high, again. For like the 5th time. It was like my second birthday, and people always wonder why we even do such a thing at our school. That some stupid popularity contest was just so tedious, not to mention it-


Ok, what the actual hell? Who is interrupting my beauty sleep?! I removed my sleep mask from my face, and I was welcomed by the beautiful sun that was beaming into my room. I heard a knocking on my bedroom door. Great, it must be Monday.

¨Ah, Miss Meiwether, your awake.¨ The idiot addressing me as Miss Meiwether is my butler, Sanchez. He's like foreign or some crap, so the way he says my name is so annoying, so I just told him to call me, Miss Meiwether.

¨Sanchez, why is it 5:32 and I am still sitting in this bed?¨ I rolled my eyes, and crossed my arms. I watched as his scrawny self, scurried over to assist me out of bed. He already made me, two whole minutes late of my schedule, he could at least assist me out of bed. I walked over to my glass desk, and tapped on the keyboard of my iMac and brought up skype. I shooed Sanchez away and waited until I heard the sound of a video call. I answered and saw my 3 besties for life still in their rich-looking PJ's as well.

¨Fabulous morning, besties¨ I said with a smile.

¨Good Morning, Tori!" They all said in unison, I smiled at my wonderful group of friends. They weren't really my friends, I just like them because they are rich like me and agree with everything I say.

¨So, outfit ideas?¨ I said drinking out the Figi water bottle I had sitting on my table.

¨Ok, so I was thinking we should totes wear matching purple polka-dot skirts!¨ Addison said, I quickly rolled my eyes at her, the thought of polka-dots made me want to barf. Addison is so useless, she can't do anything right, like seriously a zoo ape could do something as easy as pick out a simple outfit, and she could not! Addison has golden blonde hair, and wears like way too much mascara.

¨Addi, do you think before you say stuff? One, polka-dots are hideous and two, do you know what today's signature color is?¨ My tone was almost as nasty as my attitude.

¨N-no...¨ Addison stuttered.

¨Ugh, don't you ever look at the custom made fashion calendar with MY face on it? Seriously, Addison don't make me cut you out of the group and make you hang out with normies! Also don't stutter, if your friends with me you have to be well spoken. Next choice!¨

Addison placed her outfit choice on her bed and then returned back to join me and the others. I watched as my next minion, a guy. Pulled out a pink scarf.

¨Well Tori, I was thinking we should all wear pink scarves with white polos¨ he squealed with way too much excitement. Now this gay bimbo, swears he is a girl. Now don't get me wrong I love gays I think they are normal people like you and I, but when you try to put the moves on my boyfriend.... It's a whole other story. His name is Shane, he's a brunette and extremely preppy. He's into those weird celebrities that come out as gays, and his ¨Role Model¨ is freaking Caitlyn Jenner!

¨Shane...¨ I said with a fake little smile. ¨ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?! We wore scarves with polos last Friday!¨ I'm not an outfit repeater, and since I go shopping every Wednesday there was really no point in repeating outfits, also I never wear anything someone else has, so if someone else has something that's like mine I will tell them to burn theirs.

¨Since, I actually looked at the calendar unlike these two Idiots, I say you should wear a pink matching crop top and skirt, with your white fabulous cropped leather jacket, shoes of your choice and your white trapeze purse.¨

I think I almost shed a tear just then, because Skylar was like so smart, she was fabulous just like me and quite possibly my twin sister separated at like birth, she thinks just like me and has beautiful brown hair like me. What I liked about her was that she wasn't afraid to stand out unlike the other two weirdo's.

¨Sky, your are so bae material!¨I said getting up from my desk, I headed over to my closet and pressed the button that replaced where my light switch was at. The button activated a stream of lights and opened three more sections of my walk-in closet. Impressive right?

¨So guys, see you at school, kisses.¨ I said waving to my besties, they all waved back and logged out of skype. Guess who was ready to take on another day.


I arrived in front of a tall school, my school. Literally, my family owns it. Sanchez came over to open my door, I stepped out revealing my Louis Vuitton heels. The breeze flowed through my ombre hair and the sweet smell of a skinny cinnamon dolce latte from starbucks made me just all warm and fuzzy inside. I took my patient latte out of Sanchez's hand and made my way up to the school's main doors, where two normies was holding the door open for me.

¨Your so gorgeous, I will kill him to marry you!¨ One of the raggedy normies said, I don't really associate with normies, but he was stating facts so I decided to say something to him.

¨I know right, it's not easy being so damn pretty.¨ I said, I swear he practically fainted. Why are normies so freaking weird?

I just smiled and walked past them, when I got inside the building, a whiff of burberry perfume filled the air. Yes, I ordered the school 20,000 bottles of burberry perfume to spray around the school. It really didn't matter because these circus animals stunk the school back up.

¨Tori!¨ A deep voice called, I searched for the body that matched that familiar voice, and when I saw him a huge smile spread across my face.

¨Hey you!¨ I hugged the tall, masculine man. His shirt smelled like Axe and his body heat made me feel so protected. I was hugging my boyfriend Andre, he was so adorable, he always complimented me and bought me the cutest things. The only thing he does that bothers me is that he's a nice guy so he'd help out anyone especially other girls. He always says crap like: ¨All girls are worth the respect, even girls less fortunate then you, babe.¨

When he says dumb stuff like that I sometimes just want to be like, SHUT UP!

¨Ok, well the bell already rung before you came in so, I will take you to class.¨ He said, giving me a soft peck on the cheek. Usually Shane, Skylar, and Addison escort me to class but since the bell had already rung my sweet, caring boyfriend is taking me, because he wouldn't want his beyond hot girlfriend walking to class by herself and be attacked by babe-hungry morons. So he took my Trapeze purse and lead me to my class.


Author's Note:

Hope you all enjoyed the first part of I.N.E.B.S.D.P, see you all on the next part. (Manchester? More like Man-Chest-Hair)

Normies- Normal/ basic people (Like me lol) Who are not as rich, popular, and fabulous as Tori.

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