Basic Bitch

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"That's just fantastic, so fucking fantastic!" I yelled snatching two magazines from Addison's hands. My party was absolutely terrible, and not just the people who attended knew. The WHOLE world knew!

"Victoria Meiwether party fails and maybe so her popularity. Is black really Miss Meiwether's color? Find out on page 26 about the whole party fiasco. Ugh!" I screamed and threw the magazines into the trash can.

This little girl, really thinks she can come down here and ruin my life? Well, then she has another thing coming.

"So, What are we going to do? TMZ showed the whole thing last night!" Addison said playing with her hair around her finger. I scratched my head and flopped down onto my bed. Hmm, I could always sue the hell out of her, but then she will probably find some dream team to back her up.

"Well, the only way to fight with fire." I said, I looked down at my phone and read a text I just received.

'By the way, I think you look amazing in black.'

Andre was really sweet for trying to cheer me up, and it actually put a little smile on my face.

"Oooh! I'm having like one of those brain thingy's!" Addison said flopping down on the bed.

I rolled my eyes and turned to her, "An idea?"

"Omg, Yes! Okay, so what if you just figure out a way to make Andre hate Lydia, you said she's mainly after him so if he hates her she'll be heartbroken and will move back to Australia!" Addison squealed.

That actually wasn't a bad idea, it just needed a carefully well thought out plan. Which sucks because I hate thinking but whatever I do it all the time, might as well do it some more.

"I can actually do that now! Andre is home!" I got up and threw on my heels.

"Let's go Addi."


After driving what seemed like 400 miles, I finally reached Andre's house. I pulled down the mirror to check to make sure my makeup was okay and then stepped out of my car.

"You stay here." I said, Addison nodded and began to play cooking mama on her phone. I shut the door and began to make my way up to the door.

Before I could ring the bell, the door flung open and on the other side was Andre's mother.

"Oh, Victoria hi! Andre is in his room go on in, I was just heading out." She said and welcomed me in. I smiled as a thank you and headed up to Andre's room.

I took a deep breath, because this was it. I slowly opened the door to his room and when it was fully opened I could NOT believe my eyes.

My boyfriend had his lips locked with Lydia's while she was wearing a skimpy outfit.

Andre quickly pulled away and in shock, and Lydia just smiled and sat down on the bed. My hands got sweaty, my eyes got watery, I felt terrible.

"Tori, I- I can explain!" Andre said rushing towards me.

The anger built up inside me, then finally I just exploded.

"OH REALLY? YOU CAN EXPLAIN?!" I yelled, my voice cracked and my sweaty, clammy hands were now balled up into fists.

"Yes! I can!" Andre said trying to hug me, I pushed him out the way and walked over towards Lydia who was still smiling.

"Really Bitch?! Your going to come between me and my boyfriend! Are you really that desperate?!" I yelled.

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