Attention Everyone!

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Ugh! I flopped down on my bed and began to cry, Since I was sent to my daddy's office today, my dad was really disappointed of my behavior and he put me on freaking punishment. Then he was all like...

¨Tori, I'm sorry I know your my daughter but I have to treat you like any other student here. So I'm sorry but I have to give you In school suspension.¨

Like how could he do this to me? Tor Tor? His only child! I continued to cry some more, the worst thing was that daddy took all of my electronics, banned me from the movie room, took my privileges for the pool and took the keys to my car. He said I couldn't get anything back until I freaking apologized to my whole lunch shift.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I wanted to yell go away but couldn't get the words to come out of my throat. The door opened and two girls and one guy slowly walked into my room.

¨Tori... Are you ok?¨ Addison called. I didn't respond.

¨Look, I'm sorry I ate some of her delicious food.¨ Skylar said, followed by Shane clearing his throat and nervously apologizing as well.

¨I'm sorry.... that I think she's the hottest girl I ever met and that I might actually be bisexual now and like her.¨


I screamed inside one of my satin pillow's and then got up to throw it at Shane. I just wanted him to get out, telling me that you have a crush on someone I didn't like wasn't going to make me feel better.

¨YOU IDIOT! Do you not see that she's out to steal my popularity!¨ I yelled and threw another pillow at him.

¨Why does popularity, like matter?¨ Addison asked. I poked my head up and looked at her like she was straight up crazy. "Can all of you just get out? You all know what tomorrow's color is, see you tomorrow during breakfast."


It was the next day, and I was at school a lot earlier today then I usually was. I waited for Addison, Shane, and Skylar to arrive before I basically embarrass myself, by apologizing. I felt a poke on my left side and turned around annoyed to yell at the person for bursting my bubble, until I realized it was my boyfriend.

"Oh....Andre.....Hi" I said brushing my hair out of my face. Andre and I have been dating for three years and I still felt shy around him. He gave me a goofy little smile, that was really adorable then kissed me on my cheek.

"How's my favorite girl in the world?" He said, still hugging me.

"Okay I guess, my dad is forcing me to apologize to a bunch of normies." I said breaking the hug to have eye contact with my boyfriend. He looked at me weird before opening his mouth.

"Why is that?"

"Eh, I had an 'Altercation' with the new girl."

"Lydia?" He asked. How could he possibly know who Lydia was in one freaking day?? I crossed my arms and looked away. "hey, what's wrong I know your upset."

"How do you know who Lydia is?" I asked, looking at my boyfriend's soft concerned brown eyes. He scratched his head and looked away.

"You remember that pen-pal I had for like a year?" He asked grabbing my hand. His hand was so soft, so warm. I didn't want to feel like I didn't trust him after this. I nodded and looked him straight in the eyes, I read on the internet somewhere if you look someone in the eyes they can't resist but tell the absolute truth.

"My pen-pal was Lydia, I suggested that she should move down here-"

"Wait- You brought her down here?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing, my ever so trusting boyfriend was having a side relationship with another girl?

Andre caressed my cheek softly and mouthed I love you... Before giving another explanation.

"Look, my dad lives down in Australia and works with Lydia's dad. He said that she always wanted to live in America, so my dad arranged for her to live with my mom and I."

I rolled my eyes at him, He could at least told me there was a fucking girl staying with him! I brushed my skirt to give the impression that I didn't really care, but I think he could read my mind.

"Tori, no girl will make me feel the way I feel about you." He said kissing my cheek.

Before I could respond Addison, Shane, and Skylar rushed up to me. Shane carrying apology candy bags, and Addison a microphone.

"We got the stuff you wanted." Skylar said, waving at Andre and I with a little smile.

So, was this really about to happen? Was I really going to apologize to these "Normies"? I'm afraid daddy gave me no other choice but too.

"Well, I see you had plans so coffee date at five?" Andre said hugging me once more before he headed off in the opposite direction. I nodded and waved him goodbye, once he was completely out of sight I sighed and turned to my besties.

"Alright, let's get this over with." I said, rolling my eyes. I could not believe I was about to apologize, I never apologize! Addison handed me the microphone, then opened the door the cafeteria.

I walked in on a chaotic mess of students that were in dire need of a make over, and in the middle of it all was a single, fabulous girl. Eating her stupid breakfast, with her stupid expensive silverware. I smacked my teeth at the sight. Like seriously, who brings expensive silverware to eat with... To school? Well, besides me of course.

I quickly snatched a chair and stood on it, preparing for my apology speech. I turned the microphone on full blast and cleared my throat.

"Attention Normies- I mean fellow students of Meiwether High! I am here to apologize for my uh... 'Outburst' I had yesterday at lunch. To also show that I truly am sorry I brought 600,000 Candy bags!" I yelled through the microphone.

I thought everything was working and that Daddy would let me off the hook. Until I heard it, over the loud cheering of normies....

"Don't Listen to her! She's just trying to buy you all with her expensive Candy bags so you'll vote for her as Queen of MWH!"

Ok, that's a really good plan but that was not my plan! Lydia, has officially became a pain in the ass and if she keeps trying to ruin my life, I will END hers. You might be wondering why though... Well because I am a spoiled fifteen year old who only cares about money and power!

She's going Down.

Authors Note: Finally it took me like forever to get the motivation to write this dang on Chapter. Well hope you all enjoyed and I will see you all next chapter!

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