Chapter 1: Meeting Up

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I was getting a little tired from walking all the way across the city. I do have a car, but it's broken, and it won't be fixed for another week.

"Why did they have to ask me to go so far!" I said aloud, not caring who heard. Although, who would hear me? The city was mostly abandoned anyway.

After what felt like forever, I could finally see the bridge. This had better be important, I thought to myself.

As I got closer, I noticed there were seven cars on the bridge. I was confused at this, because normally, when we meet up, only a few people will come.

"Hey, Ivy." I heard Hawk calling a little farther ahead. "Where's your car?"

I got a little closer before I responded, out of breath. "I-it's broken." I made my way to the nearest car, and sat on the front bumper, still panting from the long walk.

"You should have told me, I would have sent someone to pick you up." Hawk responded.

"I did tell you!" I said angrily, but without raising my voice.

"Oh, well I'm glad you could make it anyway." Hawk sounded calm, and serious, which made me more curious as to why I was here. Usually, Hawk is laid back, and is hardly ever serious, unless absolutly necessary.

I looked behind me, and everyone else was standing around the other cars, talking. "Why is everyone here?" I asked.

Hawk looked at everyone for a moment, and then replied without looking back at me. "We, needed to relocate everyone. It's not safe at our old base anymore."

"Oh, so they found you? Is this why you wanted to see me?"

"Um, well..." Hawk trailed off, and his face told me he was thinking of what to say. "Yes, and no. We would have called you weather we were found or not, but now we have another favor to ask."

"More chores, oh goodie." I replied sarcastically. I got up from the car and asked, "What do you need?"

"First, yes, we do need your help finding a new place to live."

"Yeah, yeah, what's the other thing?" I asked impatiently.

"We need you to break into the lab, to get Danni, and Hunter back from them." Hawk sounded sad as he said this.

"What?" I asked in shock. "I can't just go breaking into the lab all willy-nilly! Besides, what were you doing in, or near the lab anyway? I thought you knew better than to go there."

"Well, we kinda got a new member from there."

I put my head in one of my hands. "You seriously risked everything for a new member?"

"You don't understand, she was being tortured down there. We couldn't just stand by and do nothing."

"I know." I said solemnly. "We've all been there." I paused for a moment before continuing. "It's just we were released eventually, she would have been too."

"But that was before the downfall!" Hawk yelled. It was loud enough that everyone there turned to look at him.

"Well," A voice said behind me said, which I identified as Dex's. "would you like to meet her before you leave then?"

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