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The two ate a nice meat cooking place that Yoongi always went to with the others. "Wow, Yoongi-ah, is that you?" The old grandmother had said as she approached Yoongi. She was the owner of the restaurant that the boys always eat at. "Oh, yes, grandmother." Yoongi said bowing down to the old lady.

"And I see you brought a girl, she's a cutie and probably a keeper." She said glancing over at Jinah, who was playing with her rice. "Aye, grandmother! It's not like that, she's just a friend. She's Seokjin hyung's sister!" Yoongi exclaimed while flushing red. "So, you guys can be more than friends! Haven't you ever watched those dramas? Your life will become one, since you met her already, have fun." The grandmother left after she made her statement.

Yoongi turned around with his face red, super red. "Who was that?" Jinah said putting down her phone and is now facing the red tomato face. "Her, oh, she's the owner of this place. She recognizes me because I came here frequently with the others." Yoongi faced down in embarrassment from earlier as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Shall we eat?" Jinah asked the tomato-faced guy. "Oh, yeah!" Yoongi said eating the meat from the grill. The two told each other great stories from childhood to now. They shared laughter with each other, despite being hurt from previous years, but that was forgotten whenever they were by each other.


"Ah, I'm stuffed. How about you?" Jinah said patting her stomach while looking at the focused driving man. "Me too, I am BEYOND stuffed." Yoongi said exaggerating the word beyond. Jinah was turning on the radio and changing to every station before the station was playing 'Scream' by 2NE1. Jinah was loudly singing, but on the other hand, Yoongi was amused by her 'singing'.

The two reached the house and they laughing at each other actions. Jinah accidentally tripped herself by her feet, but she caught herself before she could face plant into the ground. The two entered laughing at Jinah's supposedly singing.

"Ya, where were you guys?" Seokjin said approaching the two with his apron and a spatula in his hand. "Us two? Ah, we ranted out things on a building and we ate afterwards. We ate good. Then, we sang in the car." Jinah told Seokjin every single detail of their trip. "Actually, she sang or screamed, but I laughed." Yoongi said still laughing at her singing.

"I'm going up to work on music, wanna come listen?" Yoongi asked the girl that was glaring at him. "Heck yeah!" She said following Yoongi to his room.

"Ya, hyung, I think they are acting weird!" Taehyung said leaning over the couch. "Nope, they are just happy children." Seokjin said smiling at the two usually miserable children from the past week. "Oh, shit! The stove." Seokjin said running to the stove finding his cooking not burnt.


"Wait, you wrote and composed this song?" Jinah said taking off the headphones. "Yes, I sure did. The song is called 'Let Me Know', there are plenty of others too." Yoongi said nodding his head to the in awe girl. "I mean what the heck, you are talented. You are blessed with this musically talent stuff . I'm not talented with shit, man." Jinah said spinning in the spinny chair. "I think you are talented with your so called singing." Yoongi joked with her causing her to playfully punch his arm.


It has been a couple of months since Jinah moved in and had been working at the closest cafe near their house. "What the heck, Jinah never forgets her lunch. I think she was in a hurry today. I'll have one of the guys drop it off. HEY, ONE OF YOU GUYS! CAN YOU DROP OFF JINAH'S LUNCH AT HER WORK?" Seokjin yelled from the 1st floor.

"SHUT UP! I AM TRYING TO SLEEP!" They all say in unison. "Here, I'll do it because no one believes in waking up." Jimin said taking the lunchbox from Seokjin.

Everyone stared at who had walked into the cafe, it was famous and rich, Park Jimin. He was stared at as if he was a famous worldwide idol. He approached the counter and said a girl who wasn't staring at him. Instead she was neutral about him walking in like an idol. He could tell that she was something special. He glanced at her nametag and saw the name, 'Kang Seulgi'. "Well, hey there Kang Seulgi or love, here is Kim Jinah's lunchbox. I was sent to drop it off due to her forgetting to take it today." Jimin said winking at the girl before he could exit the shop. Seulgi rolled her eyes at the flirting guy.

"Ya, what's up with everyone? Who's this?" Jinah said coming from back and pointing at the lunchbox that was recieved by Seulgi. "This is yours, your friend came to drop it off. I didn't know you lived with THE Park Jimin." Seulgi said exaggerating the in the sentence.

"Oh yeah, I did. Before you jump to conclusions, I don't live with only him, I live with 6 other guys besides him. Oh wait, that sounds really weird and wrong. I'll tell you during our lunch break. Did he drop this off for me?" Jinah said holding the pink lunchbox with a pink note attached to it. "Oh my gosh, Kim Seokjin, you need to control your obsession with pink."


"So, tell everything and I mean everything." Seulgi said stabbing her meat with the fork. "Um, the guys I live with are my cousin's best friends since idk when. Jimin has his own place, but he rarely goes there unless he's either with a girl, ran out of clothes, or whenever he needs privacy and alone time, which is rare." Jinah said looking down at her plate to find an Italian dish.

"Tell me their names, I may know at least one or none." Seulgi said stuffing her mouth. "First, don't talk when you eat. Second, you sound like a creep. Third, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Kim Namjoon, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Jeong Jungkook. They're all weird." Jinah said digging into her pasta.

"Wait, you live with all of them?! They're all like the F7 of idk, SEOUL OR FREAKIN KOREA!" Seulgi said exaggerating every single word she said. "Do you know them?" Jinah asked calmly. "Nope, not personally. My cousin went to school with every single one of them, but once again she's heads over heels for any dude. She did get a restraining order from this guy before, she's out of whack!" Seulgi shrugging her shoulders.

"Let's go, our break is almost over and a couple hours of work and we are finished my friend!" Seulgi said sipping her water. The two girls had cleaned their plates within half an hour and left the restaurant.

NEW CHARACTER INTRODUCED!! 1 out of the 6 characters that are going to be introduced soonly. IT IS SEULGI BEAR!! tbh, she's shippable with anyone. I love her with Hanbin and etc.

Can you guess who she's gonna have a loveline with??? lol, it's pretty obvious.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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