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There's was a moment of awkward silence, but both decided to talk at the same time.

"What are doing here? I told you to not bother me." Yoongi gave her a glare.

"Um, I wanted you to come eat dinner with everyone else." Jinah bit her lip.

"No. I don't eat with others unless it's an emergency." Yoongi said about to close his door, but Jinah stopped it with her foot.

"Well, it's an emergency. I rather see your at, than eat nothing." Jinah furrowed her eyebrows.

"Don't worry, I'll eat ramen, we have plenty of those. Would you mind taking your foot out of the way?" Yoongi licked his lips while turning his head to the side.

"I won't allow that, if they are eating hanwoo beef while you eat ramen, that is wrong. I won't leave until you go down and eat with them." Jinah said sitting right in front of his door.

"Aish, stop making a big deal out of it. C'mon, get up and let's go eat." Yoongi said rolling his eyes and sighing. Jinah was happy, she was smiling like there's no tomorrow.

As the two went downstairs, the others gasped at how Jinah could make the most stubborn guy on earth come down to eat with everyone. They both walked to their backyard, where the others were.

As they entered, they could smell the sizzling meat grilling on the grill, the perfect meat. Both their stomachs were growling of hungry. "Wow, Jinah managed to get Yoongi out of his little cell." Hoseok said clapping as everyone clapped along.

"Aish, be careful with your words before I get you." Yoongi said smacking Hoseok's head.

"Come and sit down you guys!" Seokjin said pointing at the two available chairs. They were both across from each other.

"Waaa, it looks good!!! Thank you for this meal. I'll eat well!" Jinah said staring at the fresh grilled meat, steaming. Yoongi smirked at the girl that was basically drooling over meat. He was pleased by the girl, he recognized her beauty, stubbornness, humor, and yet her politeness.

"No, you can't think of this girl. She's obviously not great and ideal person. YOU HATE PEOPLE FOR GODSAKE, YOONGI!" Yoongi thought to himself. He shook his head, forgetting his thought.

"Heyo, are you going to eat or what?" Jinah said waving her hand infront of his face. "Well, did drag me down here, so I dunno." Yoongi said leaning back on his chair.

"I didn't you down for nothing, so eat up." Jinah said shoving a lettuce wrap in his mouth. Yoongi was surprised, astonished that she was the first and only girl that was not intimidated by his actions and to shove a lettuce wrap down his throat.

"She's really fierce, WELCOME TO THE FAMILY, JINAH!!" Taehyung said squeezing her body against his.

"Hey, that's my cousin, hands off her right this instant." Seokjin said threatening him with his pair of chopsticks.

Everyone had finished their portion of meat and was stuffed, including Yoongi.

"Now, it's the housework/ job assignments. Shall we play a game to decide which job for everyone." Namjoon suggested. They played several games and the list went:

Kitchen Duties: Yoongi & Jinah
Bathroom Duties: Namjoon & Jimin
Laundry Duties: Taehyung & Jungkook
Groceries Shopping: Seokjin & Hoseok
Cleaning Duties: Everyone

"Hold up! Why is the list like this? I can't..." Jinah said as her words got softer and softer as Yoongi approached her.

"I can't what?" Yoongi said with his intimidating eyes. "I can't, um, be trusted with dishes. I break them a lot." Jinah said as her eyes widened.

"Don't worry, they're shatterproof or at least I think." Seokjin said patted her shoulders and handed her the dishes.

"If we want to be done before everyone else, we better hurry because I'm already irritated by your presence." Yoongi said walking to the sink.

"Honestly, what is your problem? Every since I moved here, which was like less than 24 hours, you've been a dick." Jinah said settling the dishes in the sink.

"Well, first of all, you decided to interrupt my alone time just to eat some stupid dinner with the others and lastly, you didn't follow my first rules. To not come close to me or make eye contact with me." Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows and approached her step by step. She was soonly in the corner, trapped by a wall and an irritated Yoongi.

"Well, my bad that I didn't want to see one person not eating with everyone because they hate everyone and everything and so what if I made eye contact with you or came close to you, I'm not scared of you." Jinah said leaving the corner and washed the dishes.

Yoongi was astonished and surprised once again for her braveness. Others would just leave him alone and if he became irritated and scary, they would be scared and a wimp.

"Well, if you don't we had an assigned job to do or unless, you're going to have your alone time." Jinah said scrubbing the dishes.

"How about I prove you wrong and actually help out?" Yoongi said putting on the gloves and rinse the soapy dishes.

"Oh my god, this is unbelievable." Taehyung said in messed up English.

"I can't believe, Yoongi-hyung is doing chores and don't every speak English ever again, Taehyung-hyung." Jungkook said peeking his head into the kitchen.

"Whatever, I'm going up earlier because I have a date at noon tomorrow." Jimin said leaving the two people peeking in the kitchen.

"Hold up, you just had a date with a girl yesterday. What happened to her?" Hoseok passed through the conversation, wanting to get a drink of water.

"Ah, her. She was way too clingy and fake. You guys know that I only date & dump." Jimin said walking the opposite way.

"Finally, we finished. I didn't have the chance to work on the album." Yoongi mumbled to himself. He left the kitchen and almost went inside his room, until Jinah grabbed his arm.

"Um, thanks for helping out and for dealing with me today. Okay, thanks." She said rubbing her neck, while flushing red, then she left to her own room. Yoongi smirked at her cheeks and cute apolgize as he went inside his room.


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