“Joseph, pay attention.” Mrs. Freeborn snapped.

“Huh?” I said, looking up surprised, just to see that she had written all over her clean chalkboard.

“Pay attention!” She repeated. A few giggles popped up. One from Tomas. Fucker.

My cheeks flared. “Sorry, Misses Freeborn.” I honestly didn’t realize she had been talking. She went back to her lesson, and I tried to pay attention.


It was now time for lunch. So far today I had gotten slammed into a locker, had paper balls thrown at me several times, been tripped, screamed at, and publicly humiliated. Believe it or not, today had been a good day.

I saw Tomas at his locker, which was five down from mine, and went over to say hi. I mean, what could it hurt? I had a limited time to try and make a friend before he started to really hate me like everyone else.

“Hey, Tomas.” I said, leaning against a locker.

“Uh, hi.” He said, looking at me. A cold look. I mentally shivered.

“Do you have lunch this period to?” I stupidly asked. Of course he did, why else would he be in the hall?

“Uh, yeah.”

“Cool, so do I. We could walk together, if you want.”

“Look, I know you’re just trying to be nice to me, but please leave me alone.”

I flinched. He knew. “Yeah, sure.” I said, blushing and turning away. “No problem.”

I started to walk away, but I was pulled backwards and slammed into a locker. I fell to the ground, and felt bruises forming again. I looked up at Tomas, confused. Why the hell had he done that? But, he looked confused to.

“Hey Joey Fag-a-gan.” A jock said, coming into view. Two more jocks and three cheerleaders also showed their faces. It was Jack Trent, a blonde haired, blue-eyed, well built dude, and his crew.

“It’s Finnegan, Jack.” I growled.

He ignored me, and turned to Tomas. Well, fuck. “Nice work, new kid.”

“Huh?” Tomas asked.

“Sending this homo away. You’re gonna do just fine. Come hang out with us at lunch.”

“Uh, no.”

“What?” Jack asked, sort of stunned. Holy shit, I just witnessed the impossible. Jack was one of the most popular guys in school. You just don’t say no to him.

“No,” Tomas repeated. “I’m not going to hang out with you.”

“Oh yeah?” Jack pressed. “Who you gonna sit with then?”

Tomas snorted. “Joey, of course.” He extended his arm to me. “Need some help, friend?”

I blinked a million times as I put my hand in his and he helped me up. He did not just blow off Jack for me. Wait. Am I alive? Yeah, the pain from the bruises is still there. Oh shit! He did blow him off!

Jack grunted and walked away, his crew on his tails. Tomas and I watched them as they turned into the cafeteria, then I slowly turned to him with my mouth hanging open. For the millionth time. Oh. Shit.

“Dude,” I said. “You did not just do that. Tell me you did not just do that!”

“I did it. So what?” He asked, letting go of my hand finally. Had he been holding it all that time?

Forgetting the World [BoyxBoy]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें