Chapter Seventeen

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I honestly didn't think I'd be updating so early! Can't believe how quickly I reach 500. But here is the update. Wanna thank you all so much! This isn't the best chapter, I have been having a bit of a writers block, I mean I know what is going to happen in this story Im just having a difficult time linking it all together if you get me. So bare with me! Remember the best comment on this chapter gets the dedication! :)  ~ Breanna-Lee xx

It's been a whole week since my date with Harry and so far he has been nothing but perfect which worries me a little. Like nobody is perfect which makes me wonder how long it will last. I shook away my bad thoughts and kept walking down the busy London street. I need to stop doubting everyone, especially Harry, otherwise I'll never be happy. One of my classes were cancelled today so I took the opportunity to go out and get a nice lunch instead of that stuff they call food at the academy, I mean I wouldn't even give my dog that to eat, it looks like someone digested it and threw up on the plate. Even though the streets were busy it had a calming effect on me, I was starting to get really anxious about the mid-program performance, I still hadn't perfected a song and the thought of standing up in front of a bunch of professional musicians was enough to cause me to have one of my familiar panic attacks. 

As I was walking I noticed a man, probably in his 60's, sitting out the front of a coffee shop. His grey hair was knotted and his clothes were ragged and dirty. He sat there with magazines trying to sell them to the people passing by who gave him no attention whatsoever. My heart went out for this homeless man. No one deserved that life. Before I knew it I was standing in front of the man pulling out my wallet, he looked up at me with such hopeful eyes which then turned to curiosity as he turned to look back down at the magazine then back up to me. I handed him a couple of pounds as he gave me the magazine. I shot him a small smile and thanked him, as I started to turn away he reached out and grabbed my arm. My body froze with fear as I looked down at his dirty, wrinkly hand wrapped around my forearm.

"Don't worry about what they say love. I don't know you but you are more than that." he spoke in his raspy voice and let go of my arm. I looked up at him confused, probably just another mental homeless man I thought to myself and quickly walked away stealing glances over my shoulder every now and then to make sure he wasn't following me.

I pushed open the door to Starbucks and was met with the familiar smell of coffee, my nostrils flared as I took in the scent. The coziness of Starbucks relaxed my muscles which had been tense since my meeting with the homeless man. I walked to the counter and ordered my usual. I took my hot drink and sat down at a free booth, I brought the warm drink up to my lips and took a good sip before spitting it back out. "Dammit!" I hissed under my breath. Without fail I always burn myself, you'd think I'd learn by now. I looked down at my beige top in dismay as it now wore coffee stains all down the front. I decided to pull out the magazine I bought and have a read while my coffee cooled. I brought it out of my bag and sucked in a huge breath when I was met with a front page picture of myself and Harry. He held my hand and while I had my hand over my mouth giggling at something he said. I didn't look crash hot either, I was in my old white wash ripped jeans and my grey 'The Who' tee. My hair was up in a messy bun and I hadn't wore any make-up that day allowing my dark circles under my eyes show. Harry as usual looked like a god. I then looked at the title 'A New Low for Harry Styles?'. Well that's just lovely isn't it I thought to myself. Keira warned me about this, but I didn't think it would start so soon. I flipped to the page the article was on and was met with more images of me and Harry at the park. The article talks about all my flaws, they bag on what I was wearing saying I would most likely be on the next episode of Fashion Police and that I really need to ask Joan Rivers for some advice on how to dress like a girl, they pick on how I wore my hair, like yeah I know its in a messy bun but still majority of girls wear their hair like that every now and then, why can't I? The next thing they point out is my dark circles, which according to them is an obvious sign that I'm a junkie, um how about lack of sleep maybe? The last line I read was like a punch in the stomach '…now we know why Harry Styles has been M.I.A, it seems he has been scavenging through the trash to pull this one out, yes, Harry you have DEFINITELY hit a new low!'. Okay now that was harsh, I knew I wasn't perfect, but nobody is, but that was brutal. I could feel all my insecurities bubbling to the surface and the article in front of me become blurrier and blurrier as my eyes filled with tears. Was this really what it felt like being with Harry? Was it really worth it? I heard the sound of paper ripping and looked down to see I had been scrunching the article up in my hands. I ripped it out fully and started to rip the article up in tiny pieces, my tears freely flowing down my face now. I just finished ripping the last piece of the dreadful article when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see the blue eyes of Louis. Great, is he going to cut me down some more now? 

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