Chapter Three

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Harry P.O.V

There she was. The girl I hadn't stopped thinking about. She stared at me with those icey blue eyes. There was something about her that drew me to her so much. I couldn't put my finger on it, I was swarmed by hundreds of girls every day, not one of them leaving an impression on me except for her. She was different. She didn't squeal and fall to my feet like most, she just sat there and stared at me with those eyes which seemed to hide such a story. I could see so much anger and sadness in her eyes. What made her like this?

Payton P.O.V

I was snapped out of my trance my Keira pulling on my shirt.

"Come on Payton, lets go.." she said with confusion in her eyes, looking from me to Harry who had now turned to Ed who was laughing at something Harry said.

I nodded and got up and started walking down the aisle to leave the hall. I was barely listening to anything Keira was saying, my mind was elsewhere. What is it about that boy? I have no idea who he is yet every time I see him he manages to get to me and pull down those walls that I so securely built since the loss of my sister. No body has been able to see through the those walls, not even my family. My friends even stopped trying. But as soon as he would look at me I felt naked.

I shook my head, this is not the time to be getting distracted. All I need to do is avoid him. Easy. I hope.

Keira and I walked back to our room and sat on our beds and discussed what we will do today. We had the rest of the day off and classes will be starting tomorrow. We decided to unpack all of our stuff and go for a walk around the academy, Keira mainly wanted to make some more friends, something I don't plan on doing, but i followed along with her anyway.

Keira had stopped and was talking to some guy so I decided to give up and go and explore myself. I walked outside into the courtyard and wandered aimlessly. The land that the Academy was built on was massive! The gardens seemed never ending. Students were laying around on the grass soaking up the sun. Some had brought their instruments along and played while others gathered around. It was a beautiful environment, and even though I had only been here for a few hours I felt at home already.

I walked for what felt like hours until I came to a little secluded part of the gardens. It had a little stream and was concealed by trees. Moss covered the rocks around the stream and the reflection of light danced on the water. Yep, I decided, this was going to be my new spot. Back at home I had a place I used to go, it was a vast meadow that I would just go to and spend the whole day. It was my safe place. I would take my guitar and write songs and just think. It was the first place I went to when I found out the doctors couldn't save my sister. I just walked out of the hospital and ran and ran unsure of where I was going until I stopped and realise I was at my meadow.

This place was no meadow, but it was still a little sanctuary for me now.

I decided I should probably get back to my room, Keira wanted to take me out to explore London tonight since I haven't got to do much of that since I got here.

It was pretty dark out now and it was a bit of a struggle to find my way back and out into the courtyard. Crap. I was lost. I grunted and decided to take a left hoping to find a clearing instead I bumped into a tall figure. I stumbled backwards and tripped over my own feet and was about to fall when a strong caught me. I quickly untangled myself the persons arms and straightened myself to gaze into bright green eyes. I knew immediately who I bumped into. Harry Styles. God can i not get away from this guy?!

"Gosh mind where you are going!" I hissed at him. Suddenly annoyed that found me once again. I tried to avoid looking into his eyes at all cost, it proved to be difficult though as they seemed so much brighter than the rest of our surroundings.

He smirked. Oh god. That smirk.

"Im terribly sorry love." He said eyeing me up and down. Oh god he infuriated me.

"Are you going to keep checking me or you going to move? And don't call me love." I snapped. He seemed amused at my comment and instead being offended like most would he smiled wider showing off his dimples and perfectly straight teeth.

"What are you doing all the way out here, its getting dark and pretty girls like you shouldn't wander around by yourself in the dark." He said taking a step closer. I automatically took a step back.

"It none of your business Styles, now move." I said, agitation clear in my voice.

He still didn't seem offended by my rudeness but gathered giggled to himself rubbing his bottom lip.

"Ah I see you finally know my name, but if we are going to keep running into one another don't you think I should know your name?"

"Don't worry we won't be running into each other anymore so you won't be needing to know my name." I said finally shoving him away by his shoulder and walked at a quick pace. I suddenly stopped not knowing where to go. God this place was confusing. I turned around to see Harry still standing there smirking.

"What's wrong? Are you a bit lost? Seems like you could need some help." he spoke, his cockiness in his voice made my temper flare but I controlled it because I was in fact lost, and as much as I didn't want it I needed his help. 

I stomped over to him with my arms crossed over my chest, his smile growing more wide with each one of my steps.

"Just get me back to the courtyard will you, then you can leave me alone." I said trying to control the anger in my voice. I hated relying on people, especially people like Harry Styles.

He stood there rubbing his chin pretending to think, obviously finding me amusing.

"Hmm what will get out of it?" he finally spoke.

"If your lucky I won't slap that smirk off your face." I snapped running out of patience. Why does this boy get under my skin so much? Maybe it's because he actually makes you feel again, even if its making you angry. A little voice spoke in my head as we both started walking out of the darkness of the trees.

Authors Note:

Guys this is my very first story I've ever written so bare with me, this is a crappy chapter, I know 3rd chapter and its already crappy! But i swear I will get better. I do have a plot but if you have any suggestions please comment and don't forget to vote! I will love you forever!

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