Hey mr. prick ~6~

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He threw something at me, I caught it with ease. When I opened my hand I saw a very beautiful ring. I was seriously puzzled now, why would I…?

“It’s the engagement ring. Dad told me to give it to you so we convince the paparazzi that we’re going to get married. Now come on we have to go, don’t want to be late, oh and put the ring on!” With that he turned around and went through the front door. Sometimes I just want to suffocate him; this is definitely one of those times. I sighed and went outside to find him already in the car tapping his fingers against the steering wheel looking impatient. I mentally grinned seeing him angry. I took my time walking to his car, slow, real slow.

“Rose get your ass in here!” he screamed looking like a mad man. I quickened my pace, opened the car door and got into the passenger seat. Once I closed the door he started to drive. I looked at him and he was wearing a Blue shirt and Black jeans, and he’s calling me unfashionable.

I always thought that I would have prince charming to sweep me of my feet, not drag me by my feet! I thought that when my prince was going to propose we would be in a meadow and he would go on his knee and ask me, not throw me the ring like I’m sort of inconvenience. 

We sat in an uncomfortable silence; neither of us said a thing. A few minutes later we parked in front a big, tall building that was completely modern, but the thing that confused me was the paparazzi.

They were standing in front of the building waiting for something or someone. When they saw Xavier’s car they raced towards us and the cameras started clicking. I looked at Xavier totally confused and he sighed. “Stay in the car, I’ll get you out of here.”

He opened the door, closed it and went to my side. He opened my door and took my hand. The moment I stepped out we were bombarded with questions ‘When are you getting married?’ or ‘how did he propose?’

With tremendous difficultly we walked through the shouting paparazzi and made our way into the building. I looked at Xavier but he didn’t say anything. An employee came and greeted us then said that the photo shoot is being held on the 12th floor. Xavier led the way and I followed in silence. I was standing awkwardly next to Xavier looking at my feet. I silently prayed that the door would open soon, and God answered that prayer. The door opened to reveal a set where cameras, lights, clothes artists and people were there.

Xavier started walking and again I silently followed. A woman came towards us and ushered Xavier to follow her, probably for makeup and clothes.

“Rose I’m going to go to the hair dresser and makeup okay? Stay right here.” Not giving me a chance to reply he turned his heels and started walking. I began to wonder. Why the hell did I come here? Oh right because I’m so called “inexperienced”.

A girl about 5’6 walked towards my direction and stood in front of me, I looked at her confused but she quickly said “Hi I’m Melissa and just to tell you, you’re nothing to Xavier. He probably just proposed to make me jealous. I’m his ex-girlfriend and I still don’t know why he dumped me, but I’m sure that he’s still into me so don’t think that you’re that high cause, you’re not. Xavier will never fall in love with you or be yours.” She turned around and started walking where Xavier walked away leaving me with a scowl on my face.

After a couple of minutes Melissa and Xavier were modeling and I have to give him credit he has a great body. OH WHAT AM I SAYING? STOP IT. I was in my own world that I didn’t realize that this Melissa girl was nose to nose with Xavier. In a blink of an eye I saw her smirk in my direction and kiss Xavier, but the worst part is that he didn’t budge. In fact he kissed her back with the same passion.

I couldn’t take it anymore and ran out of the building. I stopped at Xavier’s car and wanted to open the door but it didn’t open. So I sighed and slumped against a tree waiting for Xavier to come out. If you’re thinking that I care about him, well I don’t but I still have some dignity and he kissed that girl in front of my eyes not even caring. I’ve never felt so humiliated in my entire life.

A couple of minutes later I saw Xavier walking towards his car so I stood up and waited for him next to the passenger seat door.

“Hey what happened? I didn’t see you there. Some people told me that you just left. What happened? Couldn’t control yourself seeing me shirtless that you ran away?” He smirked and I just glared.

“Just open the car Xavier I want to go home” I said tonelessly. Xavier didn’t comment and opened the door immediately. Soon we were near my house and Xavier parked the car. I was going to get out when an arm stopped me and pulled me back to the seat.

“What’s wrong Rose?” He asked

“What’s wrong? Really? What’s wrong? Well I’ll tell you what’s wrong, thing that is wrong is to make out with a girl in front of your fiancé. The wrong thing is that you said to act all couply in front of others and then go and hook up with another girl. Seriously Xavier I never thought you’d sink that low but you said that we’ll have our own private life with nothing concerned with this marriage. You know I hate you and you hate me but I still have some dignity.”

I stormed out of the car and made my way to my room. I changed, directly went to bed and thought of what that Melissa girl had said ‘Xavier will never fall in love with you or be yours’ and I drifted off to sleep.











Hey Mr.Prick. It's NOT a pleasure to meet you!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat