cabin two

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i lost my brother.

i lost troye.

i pace back and forth, my hands entangled in my hair, gripping it by the roots. my breaths become shaky and uneven and i lean on a nearby evergreen, a couple feet into the forest.

what if he wandered off into the woods..

what if he ran back to the parking lot..

with all the moving cars, no one would be able to see him..

"oh god, he could be dead by now." i mutter under my breath and slowly slide down the tree and crumple to my knees. crying. 

"i'm-i'm so sorry troye." i stutter inbetween muffled sobs with my jacket sleeve smothering my mouth.

i hear a rustle and slight crunch of leaves behind me and feel a pair of eyes burning at the gape of my neck a few yards away. i paused my cries and quickly turned my head to face the owner of the spying eyes. 

it was a girl.

she was incredibly petite and was about the size of a small flower with stubby arms and legs.

her hair was strewn with shimmering highlights of dirty blonde streaks here and there and fell just at her elbows in soft waves. alongwith a pair of curious hazel eyes.

"um h-hi there." i greet with a small sniffle and wave.

"were you cwying?" she questions softly ands walks towards me with cautious steps. 

"n-no.. no i was just uhm-" i clear my throat and rub my eyes.

"cwying?" she asks again, only a few feet away from me this time.

"its otay if you were. a lot of people cwy. i cwy whenever my sistor steals my hairbows away for school." the little girl adds in and smiles shyly at me. i let out an airy laugh.

"i guess it is okay to cry then, isn't it?" i ask smiling, and sit up on my knees to level out with her height.

she giggles and nods her head a few times in response.

"my name is maia. whats yours?" i introduce, and hold out my hand for her to shake. she shakes it with confidence and grins back at me. "i'm owivia." she says and sticks her tongue out the corner of her mouth goofily. "so if i may ask, olivia," i begin and she giggles at the sound of her name. "why were you wandering off in the woods?" her face immediately turns into a frown as she fiddles with the hem of her baby blue dress. "i was wit my bradur until i saw a wheely cute wabbit and chased aftur it wile my bradur was talking with his fweind and when i twied to stop and find my way out of the fowest i felt wost and then i heard you cwying ovur here and now i don't know where to go.." olivia whimpered, on the verge of breaking down into tears. "shh its okay. its going to be okay." i whispered to her and enveloped her in a comforting hug. she sniffled into my shirt and wrapped her tiny little arms around my neck just like troy- 

i shook away his name from my head and squeezed my eyes shut to try and just focus on olivia. "hey," i tell olivia. "lets go back to camp and find your brother okay?" i say to her as she just nods and buries her head deeper into my shoulder.

i was going to bring her back to her brother.

i had to.

i knew if i wasn't related to troye, i would've done the same for him.


"so what does he look like again?" i question a wide-eyed olivia, for the millionth time, as she sat inside the cart i was still lugging around. "he has bwown cuwy-hair wit bwown eyes and wheely big cheeks and dimples and is wheelyyyyyy taw too!" she states and continues her persistent search for the boy. i sigh silently as crowds of boys and girls of all ages push past us near the activity center and make the distinguishing part of this mission extremely harder.


an hour or two later both olivia and i to grow weary but still lurk around the campgrounds in search of her brother. "olivia i thin-" she gasps loudly, interrupting my words, and hops off the cart, her tiny calves running a mile a minute straight forward past fellow campers. "olivia!" i shout before chasing after the young toddler. "ASH!" she squeals and jumps into a pair of arms up ahead. i catch up to where she was and noticed that the person holding her tightly against their chest was a boy with deep brunette curls, olivia's same bright smile, and definitely was a couple inches taller than a short girl like me. that must've been him. i smile at the sight of them and slowly turn around to leave before hearing the unthinkable.


my eyes brim with tears as my breath catches in my throat and i look down over to the small boy i loved more than life itself.

"troye?" i grin as tears rush down my cheeks for the second time today.

but they weren't the same as before.

they were happy.

I KNOW IM A CHEESY SLICE OF PIZZA ALRIGHT.? but hey. on the bright side. SHE FOUND TROYE AHHHHHHHH!! don't you beautiful people worry, chapter 3 is on its way very very soon along with a very gorgeous character may i add ;) loll but anywhooo, please make sure to follow me if you're a ghostie, like, comment, and all that coolio stufff. okay i love you guys! peace outt! -sierra xx

cabin eighteen; a.i {on hold}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora