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I pull up the long drive way to my flat. Jason gets this really timid look on his face.

"What's wrong" I ask

"Nothing..." He says. I can tell something's up.

I put the car on park and hop out. Jason follows. I've settled on calling him Jason now that I'm pretty sure that's his actual name. I unlock the door to see that Sam's not home, which is kind if a good thing. I wouldn't want him to intimidate Jason. I gesture him to follow me up the stairs. When we get to my bedroom door Jason looks like he's gonna puke.

"Seriously, what's bothering you?" I say

"Um, just the smell of this place, it seems like I've smelt it before"

I get an odd look on my face and go back to opening my door.

Jason sits at the end of my bed. I open my closet doors and start going through all my clothes. One by one. Looking, searching, gathering-

"What are you doing?" Jason asks.

"Just hold on" I say not even looking at him. I see it. The one I've been looking for. I pull it out of my closet and throw it into the bed. Jason gets a really scared and nauseous look.

"That's the dress that was in my dream" he says staring at it.

That's the dress Brie picked out for me and Troy's first date. I remember because I felt really self-conscious in it. He looks at me. I look at him. He gets up. He walks closer to me. He brushes his shoulder past me and goes to my closet. He starts rummaging through my clothes. On the very top shelf of the closet he pulls down a purple sweatshirt.

"This has something to do with me... I know it. I can feel it. Even if I don't know exactly what it means yet. It does."

I sit down on the bed. I put my head in my hands.

"Are you ok?" Jason asks

"Yeah." I say.

Even though, nothing is ok.

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