Wait What.?

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I smile as Sam apologizes for everything that's happened this last week and wraps his arms around me and Carter finishes off yet another one of his jokes. He's perfectly fine. So is Jake. And that makes me happy. I've never appreciated their company this much until I almost lost them.

"Audrey, could you get me some water?" Carter asks

"Sure" I say getting up.

I open the curtain and start walking to the vending machine.


I know it's not polite, but whenever I'm in a hospital I look at people in their rooms... Is weird to pretend they are not there so I just look and smile at them.

As I walk by the rooms on my way to get water, I pass room 237. There is a guy in there. I'm guessing he's about 6'2 maybe6'3 standing, he's got black hair, freckles, and perfect teeth. His eyes are green. When I walk by, he smiles back at me. I continue to walk to get Carter some water. I feel great that just by smiling at someone, it can make their day.


"Here you go doof" I say handing Carter his water.

"Thanks" He says smiling at me. Our room fills with laughter and talking, which is suddenly disturbed by the nurse saying

"Audrey Wood.?"

I look her way an say

"Yes, um, that's me"

"Could I see you for a second"

"Sure" I say sounding a little more confused then I would have liked to. She leads me out into the hallway.

"Audrey, do you remember when you walked past room 237?"

"Uh, Yeah... Why.?"

"The guy that's staying there, he calls himself 'Black' because that's the only thing he knows about himself, that he has black hair. But anyways, he wanted me to get you, he said he knew you."

Wait, what? I've never seen this guy in my life before... How would he know me? He can't even remember his name!

"Oh, Alright?" I say and follow her into the room where she leaves us to talk.


That was weird. All he knew was what he looked like. He's suffering from amnesia. I did figure out that he was the other person involved in the crash with Carter and Jake. He got it pretty rough. He lost his memory. I agreed too show him around town until he remembers his life. The hospital can't find any records of him... This will be interesting.

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