That room.?

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After the nurse leaves the room with Courtney I'm left alone with Jason. For the first 10 seconds it's silent. Then Jason/black says,

"I don't know why I can't remember... I mean... I've been talking to the nurse, and everything she's telling me about 'my life' doesn't seem to fit what I think I remember. Like, when she told me my girlfriend was coming to see me I didn't expect what I saw. I expected something completely different..."

"What do you mean by different?" I ask

"I mean like, I had an image in my head of what I remembered my girlfriend to look like. And it wasn't that." He says sitting down. "Can I tell you something?"

"Sure" I say

"Follow me"

I follow Jason/black all through the hospital until we get to the middle hallway. He leads me to room 359. I just look at the door. What's happening. Why did he bring me here? My head is spinning. My thoughts are trapped. This is the room Troy spent his last night in. My room was right across the hall. I turn around and look him right in the eyes.

"Why this room" I say sounding the most serious I have since Troy died.

"I don't know. Whenever I walk past this room it gives me a really sad feeling but I always want to go in and just lay in the bed... I think I'm crazy." He says to me.

"Maybe you just need a rest" I say. I don't think he believes me , because by the tone of my voice, I don't even believe me.

"Maybe. I just keep having flashbacks that have no reverent meaning to what everyone else is telling me about my life." He says looking down.

"Do you remember what happened that caused you to have amnesia?" I ask.

"We'll the police say that I got into a car crash and had a near death experience... Then I came back and couldn't remember anything."

"We'll, what kinds of things do you remember?"

"We'll, it might sound odd, but I keep seeing this dress... But not any dress, it's a special dress... And I don't know what it means."

"What does this 'special' dress look like?" I ask.

"It's pink. A really pretty pink. And it looks like it would be a fitted dress. It has some sparkles scattered along the waist line, and it seems like something you would wear out to a fancy restaurant."

Could it be.? I don't know. Only one way to find out.

"Follow me." I say. He reluctantly follows as I sign him out of the hospital.

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