Chapter Thirteen

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It was Monday morning. Rachael rolled over and put her hand on Cody’s now empty pillow. Only a few more weeks and the tour was over. She got up and went to the bathroom. Her doctor appointment was on Wednesday. When she called Tim, they met up for lunch. He was very excited for her. 

“How’s the shoulder?” Tim asked when she walked in.

She put her bag down, “It’s good. I can move it a lot more now, less pain.”

“Good. I still want to take it easy though.” 

“That’s fine. So, what are you going to do?” she put her hands on her stomach.

Tim laughed, “I don’t know. It’s going to be weird not dancing. But I will get to spend time with Tony.” 

“I agree. I think I’ll be okay, until I’m a few months.” 

“Well, we will see. I don’t want you doing anything that will hurt you.” 

Tim chose some slow songs. Rachael wanted to move faster but he told her, he didn’t want her to hurt her shoulder. She kept telling him she was fine but he wouldn’t give in.

When Rachael got home she called Cody but he didn’t answer. Sam walked out of her room and saw Rachael standing by the door crying.

“What’s wrong?” Sam ran over to her.

Rachael took a deep breath, “I’m fine.” 

“No you’re not. Come with me.” Sam took her hand and to the couch.

“I think it’s all just sinking in..” Rachael sulked into the couch.

Sam sat down next to her, “Okay, well you have to let it.”

Rachael sighed, “I just want Cody here.”

“I know, I want Austin. They were be back in a few weeks.” 

“Yeah, but that’s to long. I don’t know what I’m going to do when I can’t dance anymore.” Rachael put her hands on her face.

“It’s not like you can’t dance anymore after. It’s all going to be fine. We need to plan your wedding.” 

At six Sam left for work, and Rachael went to the kitchen to make something to eat. She called Kat and asked her if she could come over and help her plan for a while. Kat told her she’d be over in ten minutes. 

“Okay, let’s start with location.” Kat pulled out her notebook.

“Cody and I agreed on the beach, even though I’ve always wanted to be married in a castle.” Rachael looked at the floor.

Kat wrote some things, “Well, that could still happen, there is that one downtown. We will call the people and talk to them tomorrow. Now, colors.”

Red and Teal.” Kat looked up, “Both your favorite colors?” Rachael shook her head.

“Okay, reception location?” Rachael shrugged her shoulders, “If the castle will let us outside, but if not, the same place we had Sam’s.”

Kat pulled out her laptop from her bag, “Let’s look up the information of the castle.” 

After they wrote down the number and some things they want to ask the owners of the castle, Kat put her laptop down and picked up her notebook, “Okay, how many people do you think you will be inviting?”

“Probably about 120.” Kat wrote that down, “Do you know how you want as your wedding party?”

Rachael smiled, “Of course. You are the maid of honor, Dan is the best man. My bridesmaids are, in this order, Sam, Cassie, Cathy. The groomsmen, same way, Austin, Maxx, Zach.” 

“Have you called Cathy yet?” Kat asked, writing it all down.

“No, but I know she will say yes. I know she lives in Maryland and we haven’t seen each other in a while, she’s still one of my best friends.” Rachael said confidently.

Kat laughed, “I believe you. What about dresses?” 

“The girls will be in teal dresses with red rose bouquets. The guys will be in red vests with teal rose boutonnieres.” Kat wrote that down. 

“Do you have any idea for you?” Rachael pulled out her phone, “This one, the one I’ve loved forever now.” Kat took her phone to look at it again.

“So tomorrow we need to call the owners of the castle and make an appointment for the dresses. And you have to call Cathy. Wait, have you guys  picked a date yet?” Kat stopped and looked at Rachael.

“Nope, but I plan on calling him later, I’ll talk to him then.”  Rachael looked at her phone. “Okay, well, we will need to know that.” 

Around ten Kat left and Rachael went up to her bedroom. She curled up in bed and called Cody.

“Hey babe.” 

Rachael smiled, “Hi. What’s up?”

“We just got off stage. I have to go to the table.” he replied.

“Oh. Do you want to go?” Rachael frowned.

“No not yet. How are you?” 

“I’m fine.. We need to pick a date.” 

“December 7th” 

Rachael smiled, “The day you came to my house, for the first time.” 

“Yeah, the day you stole my heart.” Cody laughed.

Rachael laughed also, “No, you have that wrong, you stole my heart.”

“Nope, I’m right. Have you planned anything else?” he asked and she told him everything Kat and her had planned out, and told him about the castle. He was excited about that. 

“I might be showing by then..” Rachael said quietly.

“You will still look beautiful.” Cody whispered back.

“If you say so. I hear Dan calling you, go talk to the fans. I love you.” 

“I love you more.” Rachael hung up.

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