Chapter Twenty-Six

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Months had passed and the guys were finishing up the record. Andrew was working with other band’s managers and other important people to put together a tour. Cody was nervous about going on tour again, and leaving Rachael and Charles. His mom and sister had flown in after he was born, to meet him. 

Cody fell onto the bed and sighed, “hey babe.” 

“Hi” Rachael leaned over and kissed him, “how was your day?”

“Alright, the vocals are done. How was yours?” he rolled over and put his face in the pillow.

“Mine was good. I was dancing around, while Charles slept.” Rachael smiled to herself.

Cody lifted his head, “Now that the vocals are done, you can go back.” 

“I will.. Soon.” Rachael’s smiled faded, “I just don’t want to leave him yet.”

“I know..” Cody moved closer and laid his head on Rachael’s chest, listening to her heart beat. 

“Are you crying?” Rachael asked, feeling wetness soak threw her shirt.

Cody didn’t move, and she just wrapped her arms around him. A few minutes later he looked up, his eyes bloodshot. 

“What’s wrong baby?” Rachael whispered and ran her finger through his hair. 

Cody took a breath, and cleared his throat, “I miss my dad.” 

Rachael wrapped her arms around him again, “I’m sorry babe.”

“It’s okay. I just wish he could have been here, for the wedding.. Char being born..” Cody trailed off, tears filling his eyes again. 

“I know babe, I wish mine could have been too.” she wiped his eyes and kissed him. 

Cody took a deep breath and sighed, “I love you.”

“I love you too” Rachael put her hands on each side of his face and kissed him.

Laura could tell Sam and Rachael were starting to get cabin fever, “You guys should go out for a while, I’ll watch the babies.”

“But I get out all the time, when I go to work..” Sam said, then tickled Brooklyn. 

Laura laughed, “and, you think that’s getting out.. And having fun.”

“Well..” Sam laughed, “now that you put it that way..” 

“Exactly,” Laura said, holding her arms out for Brooklyn. 

Sam handed her over, then looked at Rachael, “What do you want to do?” 

“I don’t know..” Rachael looked down at Charles, who was sleeping in his rocker.

“You’re going out, so choose.” Laura said, firmly.

Rachael looked up, “Mall? Movie? Both?” 

“Dinner and a Movie” Sam laughed, “I feel like I should be asking you out on a date.” 

“It’s a girls date,” Laura said, getting up and walking into the kitchen. 

Sam and Rachael went to their rooms to get ready. Rachael hadn’t showered yet, so she decided she would take a quick one. While she was dressing, she heard noise in her room, so she poked her head out the door and saw Sam sitting on her bed. She continued to dress, quickly now. 

“Ready?” Sam asked when Rachael walked out into the bedroom. 

“Yes, where do you want to eat?” Rachael grabbed her bag and slipped on shoes. 

Sam stood up and walked out with her, “Hm. How about Olive Garden? We haven’t been there in a while.” 

“Sounds good.” Rachael walked over to Charles and kissed his head a few times, then sighed. 

Sam did the same, then pulled Rachael by her bag strap, “Come on.. Before mom yells at us.” 

They walked out to Rachael’s car. They were quiet while she drove to the restaurant. When Rachael pulled into a parking spot she turned the car off but didn’t move. Sam sat there, with her. She knew Sam was thinking the same thing. Rachael’s phone went off and it made her jump.

“Hey, what’s up?” she asked. 

Sam looked over at her, “who is it?” 

“Cody,” Rachael mouthed to her, oh, okay. Sam and I are out. Mom made us.” 

Rachael hung up, looked back at Char’s car seat, then opened the door. Sam opened her door and got out. They walked into the restaurant, and were seated. 

“So what did he call about?” Sam opened her menu.

“He was on his was home, to be with Char” Rachael pushed her menu aside, not needing it. 

Their waiter walked over and greeted himself, “Hello, I am Patrick, and I will be your server tonight, can I start you with something to drink?” 

“Yeah, can I have this?” Rachael pointed to a drink off the alcoholic drink menu, “and a water.” 

“Of course, can I see your ID?” Rachael laughed, but showed him. “And you?” he turned to Sam.

“I’ll actually take this one,” she pointed to the drink next to Rachael’s, the handed him her ID, “and a water, also.”

Patrick walked away and Rachael smiled, “I figured, it’s been a while, why not.” 

“I agree. And we can walk to the movie theater.” Sam noted. Rachael nodded. 

A few minutes later Patrick walked back to the tabled with the waters, “the drinks will be a minute, are you ready to order?” 

“Yeah, we are,” Sam said, then told him hers. He turned to Rachael and she said hers. He walked away again. 

They talked about Sam’s work and when Rachael was going to go back to dance. She wanted to, but she was nervous about it. 

“What about when Cody goes on tour.. Who will watch Charles? My mom has to go to work..” Patrick walked back over at set their drinks down, as well as bread sticks and salad. 

“Can I get you anything else?” he asked. Sam shook her head, “nope, we are good.”  Patrick smiled and walked away. 

“I can watch him, during the day. I’m sure Tim won’t mind if you bring him either.” Sam said, after taking a sip of her drink.

Rachael took a bite of her salad, then a break stick, “I don’t know.. I mean…I guess.” 

Sam laughed, “We’ll figure it out.”

After they ate, they walked over to the movie theater and picked out a movie. They got tickets and walked in. When they sat down Rachael started to laugh. 

“What?” Sam looked at her confused.

“The last time I sat in one of these seats, it was so uncomfortable..” she continued to laugh, and Sam joined. 

After the movie they headed back home. Rachael ran into Cody’s arms, then picked up Charles. Cody smiled and kissed her, “I missed you.” Rachael smiled up at him, “I missed you too.”

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