Chapter Three

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It was the day for the boys to leave again, to head to Florida to pack up the van to leave. Rachael was holding onto Cody while they sat on her bed. She didn’t want to accept the fact they were leaving again. She would have gone with them, but she knew Sam needed her. Austin wasn’t ready to leave Sam yet. 

Rachael and Sam drove the guys to the airport. Everyone was silent, not really ready to leave. Cody held Rachael’s hand the whole trip, squeezing it when he could tell she was going to cry. 

At the airport they walked in silence, but when they got to security they all stopped. Rachael wrapped her arms around Cody’s neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. They kissed a few times. Rachael pressed her forehead to his and sighed. “I love you,” she whispered. He smiled, “I love you too.” 

Rachael let him go and hugged everyone else goodbye. The girls waited and watched as the boys went through the security line. When they disappeared around the corner, the girls turned to walk away. Rachael put her arm around Sam’s shoulder.

“I don’t know when we are going to tell the fans..” Sam said. 

Rachael pulled her closer, “Don’t worry.. You guys will figure it out.”

“I know.. I am nervous, about being pregnant..” Sam laughed.

“I’m nervous for you too, but I know you’re going to be fine. I’ll be here for you every step of the way.” Sam smiled and they got into the car. 

When they got home Laura was on the phone, she looked up at them and waved for them to come over. They walked over and sat next to her. 

“Okay, that was the doctors office for Sam. They had an opening on Tuesday morning so I scheduled it. Is that okay?” she turned to Sam.

She shook her head, “yeah that’s fine.” 

Laura got up, “Okay. I’m going out, to run some errands.” she got up and walked out of the room.

Sam sighed, getting up and walking to her room. Rachael went to the backyard and jumped into the pool, fully clothed, not caring. She stared in the pool for a while, just swimming laps. Eventually Sam came to find her. 

“You jumped in, in your clothes?” Sam sat down on a chair. 

Rachel saw to the side of the pool, “Yeah.. I guess so.”

“Are you okay?” Sam raised her eyebrows.

“Yeah, I’m fine.. Just a lot on my mind.”

Sam looked at her and she knew she’d have to just tell her, or Sam would bug her until she did. “Well, now I have to plan my wedding, my best friend is pregnant, I have to get ready for this competition with Tim..”

“Are you upset that I’m pregnant? And you know we will help plan.” Sam moved to put her feet in the pool. 

Rachael looked up at Sam, “Of course I’m not upset.. I just want to make sure I can help you.. And I do know that..”

Sam laughed, “You have already helped me, a lot, and I know you will do a lot more as time goes on.”

“Yeah, that’s true. I think Tim want’s to change a song we picked, and that means we have to learn a whole new dance.. In a short time.” Rachael pulled herself up and sat next to Sam.

Sam put her arm around her, “Well I know that you two will get it all down in time.” 

“Yeah.” Rachael smiled.

The next morning Rachael woke up before her alarm, and started at the clock. She debated just getting up, to start getting ready but she really didn’t want to get up. She knew when she rolled over Cody wouldn’t be there and it made her really upset. When the alarm went off she reached over to turn it off and continued to lay there. After another ten minutes she got up and walked into her closet. 

When she was ready she ran out the door, because she was already ten minutes late. Tim was standing against the wall, holding his phone to his ear. Her phone started to ring and he looked over at her, walking in the door. 

She smiled, “Sorry..”

“It’s okay.. I was just making sure you were okay.” 

“Yeah,” she put her bag down and went to the center of the room with him. They started to stretch 

“Okay, so I think I have the dance moves down to this new song.” Tim said walking over to the CD player. 

“Sounds good.” The music started and Rachael smiled. It was called “Forever” by Chris Brown.

Tim smiled with her, “Do you like this song?”

“I love this song. Show me what you got.” Tim showed her the moves he thought of, then she showed him some, and they started to piece it all together. 

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