Chapter Seven

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It had been a few weeks and the competition was in a few days. Rachael and Tim had been working tirelessly making sure they had the dances right and ready. The next weekend the guys would be in town and Rachael couldn’t be more excited. 

“Okay, you think you got it?” Tim asked.

Rachael sat down, “Yeah, I can’t wait until Saturday.”

“Me too, just two days.” Tim laughed.

“We have the outfits down right?” Rachael pulled her bag closer and pulled out a yellow sundress and cowboy boots. 

“Yeah, that one is for ‘I want Crazy’, right?” Tim looked in his bag and pulled out a flannel, jeans, and cowboy boots.

“Yes, okay now for ’See you again’.” she picked out a black dress, with black heels.

Tim pulled out his black suit and black dress shoes. “Got it. Now for ’Missing You.’”

They both reached into their bags, Rachael pulled out a nice blue tank top with a black skirt. Tim pulled out dress pants and a sweater. 

“And the last song, ’Forever’” Rachael smiled and pulled out the white dress she wore for the song ’A Thousand Years.’ Instead of the belt around it, there was a green band. Tim pulled out black jeans, and a green dress shirt. They decided to do this on barefoot, which Rachael was really happy about. They went to the bathrooms and changed into their outfits for the first song. 

“You look great in cowboy boots.” Tim commented.

Rachael laughed, “Are you coming on to me?” 

“Totally, come dance with!” Tim hit play and grabbed Rachael’s hand. 

After they practiced each song in the outfits they sat down to talk about the smaller details. At five they called it a day and went home.

Rachael walked in the door and dropped her bag. She walked into the living room and saw Marie and Sam sitting on the couch talking. They looked up and greeted her.

“Hey, how was dance?” Sam asked.

Rachael sat in the chair, “It was good. I think we have everything ready.”

“Ready for what?” Marie looked confused.

Rachael is a dancer, they have a  competition this weekend.” Sam smiled. “And she amazing.”

Rachael laughed, “Stop lying to her. It’s not nice.” 

Marie smiled, “Can I see some moves?”

“Sure, which song should I do?” Rachael looked at Sam.

Sam thought for a moment, “How about a new one?” 

“Okay, but it’s going to look a little funny, without Tim.” Rachael laughed.

Rachael got up and walked outside, with Sam and Marie following her. She got her phone out and started the song “See you again.” She started to twirl around the yard, dancing her parts. When the song ended Sam and Marie were clapping.

“Okay, you are amazing!” Marie laughed.

Rachael smiled, “You’re to kind.”

They all went back inside and Rachael went up to her room. She decided on a shower. When she got back downstairs Sam had left for work and Marie was sleeping on the couch, the TV on some random show on. Rachael went to the kitchen, her mom was sitting at the island, reading a book and drinking a glass of wine. She sat next to her and poured herself a glass. They sat together quiet until Rachael’s phone started to ring. 

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