Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

Dimitri nodded with satisfaction. “Good. I’m glad you told him and that Christian’s on your side. I hope Lissa stays away from him.”

I sighed. “Somehow I doubt it. She still thinks he’s innocent, but I think she’s going to minimize the time she spends with him. I mean, Christian was pretty mad.” I sighed again; I hoped this wouldn’t drive a wedge between them, or break them up. I’d kill Adrian if that happened.

Our conversation came to an abrupt halt as we reached the infirmary. My earlier brooding was replaced with excitement at seeing my baby again.

After Dimitri talked to the nurse briefly, she led us to a room in the back. Instead of the usual hospital bed, the room was decked out like what I imagined a maternity ward looked like. The bed was subtly different and had stirrups. The ultrasound machine was also there, along with the bassinet where the baby would go after it was born. There was only a couple other machines, the use of which I wasn’t sure of, along with several chairs. As soon as I’d scoped out the room, I plopped myself on the bed. Dimitri settled himself in the chair next to me.

Shortly after, the doctor came in. She was young and very pretty. Her golden brown hair was put in a careful bun, and her makeup made her sapphire blue eyes pop. She was about 5’10, an average height for Moroi. Her face was soft, and looked innocent yet wise at the same time. She was also surprisingly curvy for a Moroi, and the overall effect of her beauty and the aura surrounding her was almost mesmerizing. Or so it appeared, as Dimitri couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

I elbowed him hard in the ribs. Dimitri let out a little ‘oof’ as the breath was knocked out of him. He gave me a dirty look, before realising what he’d been doing. He replaced the dirty look with a sheepish one.

“Sorry,” he mouthed.

I rolled my eyes and tried not to let it get to me.

The doctor looked up from the clipboard, which she had been perusing the entire time. She smiled at me warmly, enhancing her gorgeous appearance. I tried not to let that get to me too.

“You must be Rose,” the doctor said, her voice sounding like wind chimes. I felt a scowl make its way across my face; this woman was making it very difficult for me not to hate her.

“Yes,” I said stiffly, controlling my anger.

She looked inquiringly at Dimitri. “And you are...?”

“Dimitri Belikov,” he replied, his voice smooth.

He loves you,I reminded myself, swallowing uneasily. Some pretty face doctor isn’t going to steal him away.

“You will be her birthing coach, correct?” I realised she had a soft accent, a British one. I felt my scowl deepen. Was nothing wrong with her?

“Yes, ma’am,” Dimitri said promptly.

“And you are?” I interrupted rudely.

“Oh, I’m sorry, where are my manners? I’m Dr. Theresa Bryar. But you can call me Tessa.” She smiled warmly at both of us, although her smile widened when she looked at Dimitri.

I felt a possessive growl form in the back of my throat. He’s mine, bitch, I snarled in my mind, glaring at her.

Dimitri seemed to come to his senses and pulled away from her charm. He straightened up in his chair and leaned slightly towards me. I allowed myself to relax.

“Alright, so you are twenty weeks along, I see,” Tessa said, looking down at her clipboard again.

“Mmhmm,” I said absentmindedly.

“I’ll be helping you for the remainder of your pregnancy...” I tuned out as she continued speaking, figuring Dimitri would just let me later what it was that she was saying.

I thought what to name the baby if it was a girl. We’d already decided to name it Ivan if it was a boy, but a girl? I sighed. So many choices. Maybe Alyssa, I considered. In honor of my best friend, even if she wasn’t being such a great friend. I decided to move on form names and to the future. Where would he or she stay? Where would I stay for that matter? I knew that once we graduated, I would move in with Lissa, but maybe I was going to move in with Dimitri? After all, we were together, and he was the father...

“Rose? Could you pull up your shirt?” Tessa’s voice jarred me out of my thoughts.

“What? Oh, okay.” I pulled my shirt up over my baby bump.

“It’s going to be cold,” Tessa warned.

I nodded. Wouldn’t be the first time I felt it. Discreetly, Dimitri took my hand.

“And...there is your baby.” Tessa pointed at the screen.

No matter how many times I see it, I was still filled with wonder. The little baby lay curled up in my womb, a miracle out of something horrible. My smile was so wide it hurt my face and tears formed in my eyes.

“It’s beautiful,” I whispered. I glanced at Dimitri at the same time as he looked at me. We shared a happy smile before turning back to the screen.

“Would you like to know the sex?” Tessa asked as she moved the wand around.

I looked inquiringly at Dimitri. It was really up to him, now. It didn’t matter to me either way, and even though we had decided on it being a surprise, it might have changed.

Dimitri looked back at me, and with one look, we had a whole conversation.

“Why not,” he replied, still looking at me.

“Alright, it is a...boy!” Tessa exclaimed after a moment of moving the wand. “You can see right here.” She pointed at the screen.

I giggled. “His little penis,” I finished for her.

Tessa smiled benignly at me. “Yes, it is.”

“Look, Comrade,” I giggled again. “His little penis.” For some reason, I found this greatly amusing and began laughing hysterically.

 Dimitri sighed next to me, shaking his head. His eyes, however, were bright with amusement. “Oh, Roza,” he rumbled. “What am I going to do with you?” 

A/N: I love the ending xD So Rose xD

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