Christmas plans (R-Rated)

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I promised a one-shot at Christmas didn't I? Hope y'all enjoy. 

Smut in this one, you've been warned.

Loves ya, Izaac.

By the time Christmas came around, Scott and Mitch had been together for a few months. A lot had happened in that time, the court trials finally ended about a month ago and they got the good news that Professor Dixon had been sent to jail and for 5 years and been banned from working in education for life. They also had a restraining order against him, which (if breached) would put him back in police custody.

It had been a stressful time, but Mitch had Scott's support throughout which had made it a lot easier to deal with. The whole ordeal had made them much closer, and the stress-relief side of their Little/Daddy relationship had been vital. Mitch (and Wyatt) had officially moved in with Scott, as they'd decided it would be easier and would get rid of any anxiety Mitch had about living alone again. When Mitch's parents had invited him and Scott down to Texas for Christmas he had been excited to ask him.

Scott picked him up from College and Mitch was in his Little-headspace the moment he sat in the car, "Daddy, can you strap me in please?" He asked sweetly.

"Of course," Scott smiled and pulled the strap across his boy's body, clicking the buckle into place. Scott started driving off and Mitch sucked his thumb, trying to think of how to breach the topic of Christmas. It was about 3 weeks before the day and they had talked about presents (mainly – which toys Little Mitch wanted) but hadn't made any actual plans.

Mitch looked over at Scott, "How many sleeps is it until Christmas?"

"Ummm," Scott mulled over the question for a second. "Twenty or twenty-one. I'm not too sure. Why?"

"My parents asked if we could come down to Texas, they'd love to meet you." Mitch paused, "I'm sorry if this is the wrong time to bring it up, I just didn't want to leave it any later and-"

"Princess, this is the perfect time to bring it up." Scott reassured, "I'd love to meet your parents. I'll buy the plane tickets tonight."

"Yay!" Mitch giggled. "Oh, but you don't have to buy mine. That's a lot of money..."

Scott pulled to a stop at a traffic light. He looked over at Mitch and frowned slightly, "well aren't you my little boy?" He asked.

"Yes, but..."

"Don't Daddies buy things for their boys?"

"Of course they do but-"

"Mitchy, my decision is final and I don't want to hear you talk back to me about this." Scott warned.

"Okay. Thank you Sir." Mitch smiled and kissed Scott on the cheek. He got carried away and started letting his kisses drift down Scott's neck. The traffic light went green just as he was leaving a hickey near his clavicle. After Scott pulled away he placed his hand on Mitch's lap, cupping him through his trousers.

Mitch whined as he felt Scott start to grope his dick, quickly getting hard in his Daddy's hand. He leaned back and bit on his thumb.

"Does my baby have a little bit of a problem?" Scott asked seductively.

"Yes Sir."

"Open up your pants and let Daddy help you."

Mitch looked around, out of the windows of the car. "B-but we're in public."

"Do what I say, Mitchy. Or there will be a punishment when we get home. You've argued with me twice today, so it'll be spankies" Scott reminded Mitch of the rules.

Without speaking Mitch reached down to his jeans and undid the button and the zipper. He slipped his pants and underwear down slightly so Scott could have easier access. Scott stroked Mitch's dick lightly before wrapping his whole hand around him and jerking him off. Within minutes Mitch was a writhing mess under Scott's hand.

"How does that feel, Kitten? Am I helping you?"

All Mitch could do was moan in response. Scott's hand tightened around Mitch and the boy gasped out in pleasure. "Please, please can I cum Daddy? I'm so close."

"Only if you come into your hand for me, I want to see you lick it up like a good little Kitten. It will be good practice because you're going to be sucking my dick the moment we get home. How does that sound? Are you thirsty for my cum, princess?"

"Yes, Daddy. Please!"

"Okay, you can cum now."

Mitch did as he was told and wrapped his hand around the wet tip of his dick, Scott increased his pace and seconds later Mitch came with a whine.

It took a few seconds of deep breathing for the car to come back into focus, "thank you Daddy." Mitch said quietly. He realised that Scott was pulling into the underground parking lot of their apartment.

"Lick your cum off your hand for me, Princess."

Mitch started slowly, licking only the tip of one of his fingers until Scott had parked. As soon as Scott had turned the car off he made it into a show, sucking in each of his fingers and then giving each of them tiny kitten licks all over. He watched as Scott was entranced by his actions. When Scott undid his belt started to palm at his crotch Mitch pulled his mouth off the last finger with a pop.

Scott almost growled "my turn."

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