Chapter 9

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The next morning Mitch woke up later than he was used to. As soon as he woke up he remembered everything that had happened the night before and quickly realised that right now was not the time to be in Little-space. He jumped up and changed from his Disney princess pyjamas and into a pair of boxer shorts and sat down on the bed. It felt weird to be alone and not be 5 years old but he needed some time to think rationally about the events of the previous day.

Going to the meetup had been so much fun, he'd enjoyed it all so much and meeting Lilac was amazing. Meeting Scott had been amazing too, obviously, but also very confusing and scary. He felt bad for trying to push things when they were in the hotel room last night but he had been so excited and impatient after waiting for so long. Remembering that Scott had called a stop to it because he didn't want to do anything without a safe word or rules solidified in Mitch's mind that Scott was a good person. He was really attracted to the tall blonde man in and out of Little-space. He hated to get his hopes up but being a Little without a Daddy was becoming unbearable and he was at the point in his life when he was craving a relationship. He really hoped that Scott would want to contact him again.

Suddenly Mitch remembered that he had promised to tell Kirstie everything that had happened. He picked up his phone and called her.


"Actually it's Mitch." He laughed.

"Oh!?" Kirstie sounded surprised, "are you okay?" She asked tentatively.

"Yeah I just needed some time to think out of Little space."

"Okay, so how was last night?"

"It was really good, I met a girl called Lilac who was unbelievably nice and her Daddy let us swap contact details."

"That's good, sometimes you need another Little to talk to. I don't always have the right answers."

"Exactly," Mitch agreed. "I also met a guy," he added quickly.


"I met him when we did speed dating. His name's Scott. He's tall, blonde, he's in shape but not ripped. He's 23."

"He sounds HOT!"

"He is! Oh my god!" Mitch exclaimed, thinking back on what happened in the hotel room. "He carried me back to the hotel from the club," he admitted.

"He carried you!?"

"Yes, and then we got back to my hotel room and I basically forced him to make out with me on the bed without even asking for permission and I'm pretty sure I made a massive fool out of myself." Mitch sighed; he could hear Kirstie sigh too on the other side of the phone.

"Mitch, I'm sure he doesn't mind. He definitely understands that when you're in your Little headspace you might do things you wouldn't usually do. Especially when you were obviously excited. He probably found it endearing."

"I'm not sure he did-" Mitch was cut off by the sound of his text alert going. He looked at his phone to see who it was from and seeing Scott's name he gasped, "KIRSTIE he just texted me okay bye love you!" He hung up before Kirstie could reply and quickly went to his inbox.

Scott: Hi, I hope this isn't too early. I just wanted to see if you wanted to grab coffee today?

Mitch grinned before re-reading the text and typing a reply.

Mitch: Hi! I'd love to, when and where?

Scott started typing almost instantly.

Scott: There's a Starbucks just across the street from your hotel. There in an hour?

Mitch: Perfect :)

He gingerly got himself out of bed, still feeling tired and sore from the night before. Although, one of the benefits of going out as a Little was absolutely no hangover. Mitch quickly imagined himself in Little-space while drunk and cringed at the thought. Like Little Mitchy wasn't horny and excitable enough while sober.

He walked to the shower and cleaned himself from head to toe, feeling the prickles of his shaved arm and leg hair start to poke through the skin. He decided not to shave again as he didn't want to be doing it every day. It was good for getting fully into his Little persona but mommy doesn't like ingrown hairs. He'd save shaving for special occasions. Plus, removing body hair is deeply rooted in sexism and he wasn't into that.

Once out of the shower he brushed his teeth and put on a bit of concealer under his eyes. He then styled his hair in a top knot because he couldn't be bothered to straighten his bangs. He also wanted to look a bit different than last night, to show Scott what he looked like in his everyday life. He put on the jeans he had worn on the plane and a colourful striped sweater that he had packed in case he needed to look presentable. He was very glad he had packed it! The sweater was super versatile because he could wear it with jeans and it would look good and it could also be worn under short dungarees or a pinafore dress if he was in Little clothes.

He quickly checked the time and realised he still had a few minutes before he had to leave the hotel, he picked up his phone to text Kirstie about what was happening.

Mitch: Hey sorry for hanging up on you, I freaked out.

Kristie sent her reply after a couple of minutes.

Kirstie: Forget it, what did he say?

Mitch: He asked me out for coffee!

Kristie: Good luck! Not that you need it ;)

Mitch: Thanks! I'm heading over there now. I'll text you afterwards!

Mitch locked his phone and left the hotel room, making sure he had packed his room key and wallet on the way out.

>>>I'm not 100% sure that there will be a chapter to upload tomorrow as I've had a busy weekend! I'm hoping that I will be able to upload though. If not there will definitely be a chapter on monday and I'll upload it early in the day my time (BST)

I keep having to google things because I don't know if people use certain words in the states. Like do you know what a pinafore dress is???

Love ya's


PS. 2k views?!??! <<<

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