Chapter 38

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The next day Mitch went back to college, and people stared at him but Kirstie was there to scare them off with a menacing glare. People asked questions but Mitch wasn't afraid to tell them what happened. He knew he shouldn't feel ashamed for being a victim, Dixon was the one who should have been feeling the shame. Any embarrassment quickly dissipated when he experienced people's reactions, they were so supportive and concerned for his safety. Other lecturers and teachers kept giving him wary looks, but he just ignored it. He was going to get his degree and move on with his life, and hopefully Dixon would be locked away and barred from teaching.

At lunch time he sat down with Kirstie, and they were soon joined by Avi and Kevin. Avi sat closest to Kirstie (he definitely liked her, Mitch concluded) and Kirstie kept finding excuses to touch Avi's shoulder or knee (she definitely liked him too). Mitch just smiled and enjoyed their company, but mostly focussed on eating the pizza that the cafeteria was serving today. That was, until, he heard the word 'BDSM' come up in their conversation.

"I just don't understand it! Why would anyone want to do that?" Kevin frowned.

"I don't know man, it's creepy." Avi agreed.

Mitch looked up and looked at Kirstie, who was giving him a worried look, knowing that this would offend him. "What's creepy?" Mitch asked.

"Subs and Doms, and all that BDSM stuff." Avi replied.

"Oh," Mitch bit his lip for a second "well... I'm a Sub so I'm sure I can alleviate any of your obvious confusion on the topic."

Avi and Kevin gawped at him while Kirstie just looked surprised that he would bring it up.

"You're a Sub?" Kevin asked.

"Yes, that's how I met Scott. I'm actually a Little, which is a different type of Sub. That's why neither of you have ever come to my apartment before."

Avi and Kevin still looked shocked, Mitch felt bad for being snappy with them but realised he had to shock them so they would learn not to talk badly about things they didn't understand. He looked at his phone and realised he had ten minutes until his next lecture. He broke the silence, "okay, see y'all later." He said cheerily. Everyone said bye and he walked off.

He made it to the lecture hall early and decided to check his messages. He had a text from Scott.

Scott (Daddy <3): Hey gorgeous, I have a surprise for you. When do you finish college?

Mitch: I finish in an hour. What's the surprise!

Scott (Daddy <3): Not telling! I'll pick you up in the parking lot in an hour.

Mitch: Okay, can't wait :)

For the whole of the next lecture Mitch couldn't sit still, he loved surprises and Scott hadn't given him any hints as to what it could be! He started imagining different things, but he didn't want to get his hopes up and then upset Scott when he wasn't excited. So instead he decided to distract himself, he already knew everything the professor in this lecture was talking about anyway. He started doodling cartoons in his notebook, and although they started off random they quickly turned into drawings of Scott and him.

Soon it was the end of the hour and Mitch rushed to get out of his seat and down the stairs, but was filled with horror as the lecturer caught his attention and beckoned him over. Not again. Professor Williams, a sweet 50 year old woman, didn't seem like a stalker Dom but Mitch didn't want to take his chances.

"Mitch, I just wanted to check that you were okay? I know what happened and..." She looked sad.

"I'm fine Professor!" He tried to be cheery but it came out more strained coz he wanted to get to Scott who was waiting for him.

"I just don't want to see you dropping out of college because of all of this. Dixon was not representative of the lecturers at this college, and all of the professors are looking out for you." She frowned.

Mitch replied honestly, "it hadn't even crossed my mind, I'd never drop out."

The professor seemed happy with this reply and nodded, "okay, I hope to see you next week Mitch. Have a good evening!"

"You too. Thank you!" He said before walking out of the room.

He power walked towards the main exit and into the parking lot. He spotted Scott leaning against the side of his car looking intently at his phone. Scott quickly noticed him and waved. Mitch walked over to his car and grabbed Scott for a hug, Scott hugged him tightly back. Ever since they had circumstantially started living together, a few hours apart could feel like days.

"Hey." Mitch said, jokingly pretending to be unexcited to see him.

"Oh, hey." Scott did an impression of Mitch, "I totally didn't miss you at all today."

Mitch tapped Scott's arm, "shut up!" Scott responded by kissing Mitch on the forehead. Mitch looked at the car, "so. What's my surprise then?"

Scott looked coy. "How about you wait and see? Come on let's get in the car."

They both got into their respective sides of the car and buckled up their seats. Mitch started flicking through radio stations as Scott drove off, dodging oblivious college students who seemed to forget the purpose of parking lots and instead used it as a socialising area.

"How was your day?" Scott asked.

"It was okay, a lot of people stared but I don't care. Then Kevin and Avi started talking about how 'creepy' BDSM was during lunch." Mitch sighed.

"Ugh, that's so annoying."

"So I basically told them both that I was a Little and they were shocked beyond words. It was so funny."

Scott looked over at him for a second in surprise, "you told them!" He laughed.

"Yeah, it shut them up." Mitch joked.

"You're amazing."

Mitch looked out of the window for a second, "how long till we get there?" He yawned.

"About 20 minutes."


For the rest of the journey Mitch sung along to the radio and chatted about Scott's day, after a while he started recognising the roads they were going down but he couldn't place it in his memory. Soon though, Scott made a few turns and Mitch was greeted by the smell of the ocean.

"The beach?"

Scott didn't reply but a few seconds later made a turning and Mitch had a full view of the ocean. Scott parked his car and Mitch jumped out and round to Scott to give him a big hug. He waited until Scott was out of the car and then pounced on him.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" He giggled.

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