Chapter 11

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>>> Trigger warning: mentions of rape culture and 50 Shades Of Grey/ EL James's take on BDSM <<<

"The first rule is, bedtime is 8pm, unless it's a special occasion." Scott quickly wrote this down on a piece of paper.

Mitch nodded, "I basically do that now anyway, I was so exhausted last night."

"Another rule, you have to obey me unless what I'm asking goes against the stuff on your "NEVER" list, or if you have a good reason and explain why you can't do what I'm asking." Scott wrote it down, "as well as, if you disobey me or one of the rules without good reason I can punish you appropriately with either time outs, taking away toys and privileges or spankings."

"Okay, that sounds reasonable, these are only for while I'm in Little-Space right?"

"Mostly, but some can connect to your everyday life if you want them to. For example, you could have to ask me before you make plans that will interfere with time you'd normally spend in Little-space. Or that you update to let me know you're okay while you're out?"

"I'd like those." Mitch smiled.

"Okay, if you're sure. The reality is that most of these rules are your decision, it's your Little-space and although I might set a few rules they're all there to make your experience better. So if you have any in mind?"

Mitch grinned and grabbed his phone, going to his notes and scrolling down to find the rules he'd thought up a few months ago, "I have like, 20 in mind." Scott chuckled at this. "Firstly I'd like you to make sure I'm eating a balanced diet and make decisions about what I eat. I currently live off Cheetos, fruit roll ups, and apple juice."

"I really like cooking so that works out well!"

"I don't want to be allowed to swear or be impolite." Mitch thought for a second, "and while I'm in Little space I'm only allowed to call you Daddy or Sir." He watched Scott write them down, "also, you have the final decision on everything."

Scott spoke up, "I'd like a rule to be, nothing sexual happens unless both of us want it. There are so many horror stories of BDSM turning non-consensual..."Scott frowned, "I just don't want you to say 'yes' to something unless you truly want it, okay? And if one of us says 'no' that means 'no'."

"That's a good rule." Mitch smiled, he had never expected to find someone who is as much of a good person as Scott, Mitch had obviously heard horror stories too. With '50 Shades of Grey' being so popular people had seemed to start believing that safe words didn't need to be listened to, and that submissives had no say in what was done to them. Which was obviously not the case. Rape has no place in a healthy BDSM relationship and Mitch hated EL James, the author, with a passion.

Scott interrupted his thoughts, "What are you thinking about?"

"50 Shades of Grey."

Scott grimaced, "ohh I hate that book."

"Same!" Mitch exclaimed and they both laughed together. There was a minute of comfortable silence where Scott read back through the lists and Mitch checked his emails.

"So can you think of any other rules? I think there needs to be one about being honest at all times. We can always add more after we've had our trial weekend, if we're both happy with how it went."

"Yes that sounds like a good idea!" Mitch said, "should we decide on a date? I often work on weekends but I think I have a weekend off coming up soon." He picked up his phone again and went to his calendar, "I'm free the weekend after next?"

"I don't work on weekends so that's fine for me too! You're welcome to come to my place but I'm sure yours has more of your Little stuff, it's up to you where we go!"

Mitch thought for a second, thinking of where he (in Little-space) would feel more comfortable in, "I think I'd rather be at my place, if that's okay?"

Scott grinned, "of course that's okay! I was kind of hoping you'd say that so I'd get to meet your cat!"

They sat and planned the weekend a bit more, both of them were looking forward to it a lot and knew that it could be make or break. If things didn't go well that would be the end to any hope they had of finding a relationship for a while. For Mitch, he didn't think he could be in a relationship with someone without them also being his Daddy or caregiver, being a Little was just such a huge part of his life it would be too much of a compromise to have to cut that out for someone else. For Scott, he had a few boyfriends before who hadn't been into BDSM and had even had a Little before but no one had come close to how matched him and Mitch felt.

For the rest of the day, they both went around San Francisco and did some sightseeing. Scott had been there before so he took Mitch to see the Golden Gate Bridge and they even went to see the Castro district, where a lot of historical LGBT activism had happened, as well as the GLBT History Museum. They finished the day at a little restaurant near Mitch's hotel; both of them feeling like this was definitely the cutest date they'd ever been on.

>>> I hope I didn't offend any 50 Shades Of Grey fans out there, I just feel like that book is so damaging to people who actually have healthy BDSM relationships or are thinking about getting into it, and while I'm writing a book about BDSM I couldn't bear not to mention it.

Love y'all!

-Izaac <<<

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