Chapter 8

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>>> Hiya! I still can't believe how many people are reading this, it makes me so happy!

Quick WARNING for this chapter, there will be some mild almost-sexual content 

Thanks! Loves ya all

-Izaac <<<

"-and I was desperate to go to the toilet and suddenly my arms were full of some cute Little boy!"

"Cute! You thought I was cute? It was sooo embarrassing."

"And then you called me Sir!"

They both laughed at the recalling of the events from earlier in the night. They were still holding hands and Mitch was swinging their hands while he skipped alongside Scott on the sidewalk, Rilakkuma was swinging in his other hand. They got a few weird looks but nobody stared too much. It was 1am on a Sunday morning and anyone who was out was probably drunk or otherwise beyond caring.

"My feet hurt." Mitch pouted.

Scott stopped walking, "do you want me to carry you?" He asked sincerely.

Mitch really wanted Scott to carry him but didn't want to be demanding. He bit his lip, "do you want to carry me?" While waiting for Scott's reply he suddenly felt himself be swept off his feet and into Scott's arms in a bridal position. He started giggling, "I'm too heavy!"

"It feels like I'm carrying a cat or something, you weigh nothing!"

"I wish I was a cat." Mitch sighed.

Scott laughed, "I'm happy you're a boy. Cats are moody."

"Yeah but I would be a neko, like in anime cartoons. I'd be half cat, it would be the best of both worlds." Mitch imitated a purring noise and snuggled his head into Scott's neck before yawning loudly.


"Very." Mitch looked up, "I think we're almost at my hotel." He gave Scott a few more directions before they were outside the front doors. "Will you tuck me in?" Mitch asked, half joking.

"If you want."

"Really? Yay." Mitch was getting really sleepy now. Scott carried him into the hotel and into the elevator, asking for the floor number and pressing the right button. Mitch must have fallen asleep for five minutes or so because the next time he opened his eyes he was outside his hotel room door and Scott was gently tapping him on the shoulder.

"Hey, Mitchy, angel I need your room key." Scott whispered and started to put Mitch down so he could find the key. Mitch rummaged through his bag before finding it and trying to put it into the key card slot while half asleep. Scott watched amused as Mitch bashed the card against random spots near the door handle before gently prying it away from Mitch's hands and inserting it into the slot. He held the door open for Mitch and followed him inside.

It was now that Mitch realised he had invited someone who was basically a stranger into his hotel room. He felt scared for a second, but looking into Scott's eyes he felt completely comfortable.

Scott stood awkwardly for a second, looking around the room. Mitchy jumped on the bed and kneeled down to start introducing his other soft toys to Rilakkuma. Scott sat at the end of the bed, watching Mitch fondly. Mitch gathered all of the soft toys in his arms before looking back at Scott.

"I have way more stuffies at home but they wouldn't all fit in my suitcase. I miss them." He explained, yawning.

Scott smiled, imagining Mitchy at home with his bed full of toys. He stood up, "hey I should let you get to sleep."

"Can I have your phone number? We never swapped them earlier I forgot coz I got distracted by the fun princess dancing. Unless you don't want to, which is fine." Mitch rambled.

"Give me your phone." Scott chuckled.

Mitch had to refrain from doing cartwheels as he went to grab his phone from his bag. He handed it to Scott and watched him enter his number in the phone and hand it back.

"I texted myself from your phone so that I'd have your number, hope that's okay." Scott played with his hair nervously.

"Yes of course!"

"It was really nice to meet you tonight Mitchy, I hope we can meet up again when we're both back in LA."

Mitch pouted, "me too," he said. Feeling sad that Scott had to leave.

Scott stepped closer, looking like he was going to hug Mitch, but Mitch ignored him and in a burst of confidence went on his tippy toes. He pulled Scott's shoulders down to kiss him. Scott seemed surprised but Mitch felt him start to kiss him back after a couple of seconds. The kiss deepened and Mitch felt Scott's hands slide down slowly to cup his butt. Scott started walking Mitch back towards the bed and soon they were lying down, making out with Scott on top of Mitch.

This lasted for a quite a few more minutes, not that either of them was keeping track of the time. They were both getting fairly hot and bothered and as Scott's leg brushed against Mitch's crotch Mitch couldn't help but moan.

"Please Daddy."

This immediately pulled Scott out of the moment, he pulled away from the kiss and looked at the boy underneath him, "I don't think we should be doing this Mitchy." He admitted sadly.

"Why?" Mitch pouted before looking down, "my thingy hurts."

Scott tried to quell the wave of arousal as he looked down at Mitch's crotch and realised what he was talking about. He moved himself so that he was lying next to Mitch and sighed. "We only met tonight, I really like you but-"

"I'm sorry." Mitch sounded like he was about to cry. "I just-" he sniffed "really want you to be my Daddy. I shouldn't have done that without permission. I understand if you don't like me anymore. I've just been waiting for ages and..."

Scott sat up and pulled Mitch into his lap, cradling him and wiping away his tears, "don't be so silly baby, of course I still like you. I was just gonna say that I don't want to do anything with you until we've talked about rules and safe words, and I think that's something that I'd need to talk about with Big Mitch. Okay?"

Mitch nodded. "Okay."

Scott helped Mitch put on his pyjamas and made sure he brushed his teeth before tucking him into bed, giving him a kiss on the forehead. "I'll text you tomorrow Mitchy," he promised, "sleep tight!"

Mitch yawned and watched Scott leave him hotel room before closing his eyes, cuddling Rilakkuma close to his chest.

>>> Did anyone notice my superrrr subtle shout out to Midge The Neko? Of course you did. Deanne is everything (go and read and re-read everything DeanneAdams has ever written okay) <<<

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