Chapter 24

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Mitch woke up bright and early the next day; he was deeply into his Little headspace. He had needed to be relaxed after the stress from Professor Dixon's behaviour yesterday. The moment he had got through the front door he had stripped off and got into his pyjamas and hadn't felt stressed since. He had just chilled out and started getting ready for Scott to come round the next day. This had really paid off, as now when he woke up there was nothing clouding his mind.

He got out of bed and looked around his sparkling clean bedroom. The night before he had tidied everything and made space for Scott on the bed, which meant a few dozen stuffies had to be demoted from the bed to the floor. Mitch looked at them apologetically, he was sure they understood why they'd been placed neatly on the carpet.

Thinking of the bed, Mitch suddenly got a rush of nerves. Little Mitch had never had sex, and Big Mitch hadn't done it for a few years. He felt anxious that he wouldn't know what to do, or would do something embarrassing. He covered his face with his hands, taking a few deep breaths. He had to trust that Scott would guide and protect him, Scott was his Daddy. Daddies protect you.

Mitch quickly got ready, showering and putting on an outfit that he could wear to the grocery store. He wore a sweater with stripes on and some mid length shorts. He decided to shave today, as it was a special occasion, the shorts showed off his now smooth legs. He also picked out a baby blue romper to wear when they got back, as it was more comfortable and cute.

He checked the time on his phone, Scott was due in 10 minutes so he fed Wyatt, grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat on the couch to eat it and watch cartoons. After the episode ended, Mitch took his bowl to the kitchen and put it by the sink as he heard a knock at the door. He grinned and skipped over to open the door.

When he saw Scott he couldn't help but exclaim, "yay! Daddy!" It had been a whole week since they'd seen each other and seeing his face felt like taking a breath of fresh air. Scott grinned back and him and pulled him in for a tight hug. After a couple of minutes of squeezing Mitch whispered "I can't breathe!" And subsequently, Scott let him go.

Scott looked around the apartment, noticing how tidy it was. "Wow, Mitchy. Did you clean specially for me?" Mitch nodded modestly; Scott kissed him on the forehead. "You're such a good boy."

Mitch blushed at the praise and started putting on his shoes, struggling with the laces. "What are we getting from the supermarket?" He asked curiously.

Scott kneeled down and started helping Mitch tie the laces. "I don't know yet, it depends what food you want. I'm buying ingredients." Scott explained. They headed out to the car once Mitch's shoes were on and Scott buckled up the Little's seatbelt before driving off.

At the grocery store, Mitch made sure not to refer to Scott as "Daddy" loud enough for people to hear and resisted the urge to grab his hand. It was extremely rare that Mitch would go out in public while Little so this made him quite anxious but he tried not to show it. Instead he tried to be helpful and suggest items for them to buy.

"Can we get cinnamon toast crunch?" Mitch asked.

"Nope." Scott laughed, "that's full of sugar!"

Mitch pouted, "can we get froot loops?"



"Nope." Scott patted Mitch's shoulder, "I'm only buying ingredients, I'm going to cook you breakfasts."

"Oh, okay." Mitch spoke quietly; he didn't know how to respond. No one had ever wanted to cook for him this much. Scott picked up ingredients that Mitch had never touched before, loads of vegetables and meat that Mitch wouldn't know how to prepare in a thousand years. He was sure he'd never even thought about home cooked food this much since he'd moved out of his parent's house. He slightly wished he had asked his parents to teach him to cook before he'd left.

Mitch was quiet on the trip to the grocery store, save for occasionally asking if they could buy unhealthy snack foods, but Scott picked up on it quickly. "Hey baby, you're quiet today. Is everything okay?"

Mitch bit his lip, wondering whether to tell Scott about what had happened with Dixon at College the day before. He decided not to, he didn't want to stress about things in Big Mitch's life while he was Little. He looked around, checking no one would hear him, before replying. "It's nothing Daddy, I'm just excited. And I don't know any of the food you're buying!" Mitch joked. He picked out something from the cart, holding up a vegetable. "What is this?!"

Scott chuckled, "that's a leek! How can you not know what a leek is?"

Mitch giggled, "I dunno!"

When they got to the candy isle Scott let Mitch pick out a treat for if he was a good boy all weekend. Mitch chose a packet of crispy M&M's. As they walked out of the store Mitch felt eyes burning into the back of his head, but when he turned around no one was looking at him. He shook off the feeling and carried on walking towards Scott's car.

They spent the rest of the day playing with toys Mitch's toys together, Mitch had a huge collection of Monster High dolls that he took a lot of pride in. The age range of the toy was slightly higher than his Little age, but he liked creepy things so they were perfect for him! Scott loved watching Mitch make up stories, his imagination was so creative.

For dinner Scott was making a salad, when Scott told this to Mitch he seemed disheartened hearing the word 'salad' but once he tasted it he was blown away. He didn't know a salad could taste this good! He ate three portions before Scott told him that it was only an appetiser. He'd also made a chicken and leek pot pie. Mitch managed one slice before declaring himself full.

They sat on the couch after dinner, neither of them wanting to do the dishes. "Now you know what leeks taste like!" Scott joked, "did you enjoy your dinner, princess?"

Mitch grinned and snuggled closer to Scott, "yes, thank you so much Daddy."

"That's okay. I missed you this week." Scott commented quietly, wrapping his arms tighter around Mitch.

"Same Daddy." Mitch bit his lip, "I wish you never had to leave."

Scott chuckled and kissed Mitch on the cheek, "maybe one day, angel."

They put on a movie and settled down for the evening, enjoying each other's company.

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