Chapter Nineteen; Christmas

Start from the beginning

I sit on the couch and feed Willow. I watch her in awe; something that I always find myself doing. She's already growing so fast. She's turning four months in a few weeks.

"Peeta, honey?" I call.

"Yeah?" Peeta asks as he peers through the door, already covered in flour.

"I guess you've started baking." I Laugh. "Can you watch her while I get ready?"

"Yeah." Peeta giggles as he lifts Willow out of my arms.


"Look at this gorgeous girl." I coo as Peeta brings Willow into our bedroom. He dressed her in the cutest little red dress, with a red headband and black little boots.

"Oh my gosh, Peeta." I say with a smile. "Where in the world did you get this outfit?"

"I picked it up a few days ago." He says as he hands her to me. "I wanted to surprise you."

"Oh, Peeta." I whisper as I kiss Willow's tiny nose. "She looks adorable."

"Johanna called and said she'd be over a little earlier. We should probably go get ready for everyone to come." Peeta says.

"Okay." I grab Willow's blanket and take her downstairs to the couch to take a nap.

In a matter of minutes, Johanna arrives with Alder, Rowan, Jax and Kai. Effie and Haymitch also show up around the same time. Annie, Finn, Pollux, and Cressida are the last to arrive.

"Dinner is served." Peeta says as he places the cheese buns, ham, duck, potatoes, corn, and some much more on the table.

"This looks amazing!" Johanna squeals. "Thanks so much, Peeta."

Everyone begins to make conversation, talking about life and other things. I soak in the love. Having so many friends that I will be able to cherish forever makes me very happy, almost as happy as Peeta and Willow.

On Christmas, I always find myself thinking so much of Prim and my father. Prim's favorite holiday was Christmas, even if we weren't showered in gifts. My father would always get us one present each. My fathers last Christmas with us, he got my my very own bow. Prim got a doll she wanted from the hob.

These past few Christmases have been terrible, but I'm glad I have Peeta to make them better. I hope Willow remembers these holidays.

After dinner, we all gather around our fireplace, just enjoying each other's company. Johanna, Annie and I have quite a few drinks, which makes me tipsy by the end of the night. I'm not one to get drunk much, but I was having such a great time.

"Peeta!" I squeal. "We have to take a picture of Rowan, Kai, Jax, Finn, and Willow!"

"Yes! Oh my god!" Johanna says.

I watch Alder and Peeta exchange a look and then shake their heads with a chuckle.

"Okay," Peeta says. "Annie, you hold Finn, Katniss hold Willow and Rowan, and Johanna hold Kai and Jax."

We do as Peeta says, an all stand in front of the Christmas tree.

"Say cheese!" Peeta says.

We all look at each other and our children who don't look amused, and bust out laughing.

"Well.." Peeta says. "This picture is definitely a keeper."


"Peeta?" I look up at him as he cradles me by the fire.

"What is it, sweetie?"

"Do you remember earlier?"

"When Willow interrupted us?" Peeta asks with a giggle.

"Yeah.." I say with a blush. "And do you remember how we agreed we'd finish what we were doing later?"

"I do." Peeta whispers into my ear as he picks me up and carries me to our room.

The rest of the night is a blur.

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