The Concert

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Dashie's POV

Today was the day all the girls and guy was the day we go to the Wonder Bolts concert competition. Kitty was riding with me, Zane, Flutters, and Jane. Pinkie and the others were meeting us up there to save our seats. The ride there was kind of... Interesting. I still haven't told Kitty the real reason I was dating Zane, she wouldn't look at me the same if I told her. Since Zane was driving I let Kitty sit up front with him so they could talk and catch up. I was stuck in the back seat with Jane and Flutters. The whole car ride they were nuzzling each other's nose and making kissy faces. I wanted to say something, but Zane gave me the look just saying 'don't do it'.

"Hey what do you guys want to eat." Flutters and Jane insisted on salads, but I was craving burgers. I was about to say something until Kitty spoke first. "How about Chinese food." I usually don't go for Chinese food, but I was also craving some Chinese chicken. As soon as we got there all Zane ordered was Fried rice for himself, two salads for the vegans, and Chinese chicken for me and Kitty. I still don't know why he only ordered fried rice, wasn't he hungry. I guess that's one thing I'll have to find out about him.

A while later and we made it to the concert right as it started. The girls had all of our spots saved and ordered snacks for us. I quickly turn to face Zane who was waiting for me to sit down. "Uh Zane I can help pay you back for the food." He turns his attention to me and smiles with the same old plastered smile. "Please don't, it's fine. Please don't pay me back. I'm really glad to help." He just stood and smiled at me, gesturing to sit down with him.

~Part way through the concert~

It was half time for the show and everyone went back for refills and bathroom breaks.
This was the chance I had, the chance to help Kitty... And myself. Hearing myself think that makes me want to punch myself multiple times. "Rainbow?" I looked to see Zane was looking at me, but there was something wrong. "I need to tell you something." He leaned close to me whispering "Meet me outside." I nod and get up with him. The girls look at us but Kitty was mostly staring at me smiling like a little kid.

As we got outside I look to see Zane put something in his mouth lighting it. "Zane?! When did you start smoking?" He looked down and took the cigarette out. "Rainbow we need to take a break." I looked at him confused 'what?! No I'm supposed to break up with him.' He looked down frowning. "Rainbow... I'm leaving Equestria." I look at him feeling like a knife pierced my heart. "Wha-What do you mean?" I grab his shoulders looking at his eyes start to water "I'm sorry Rainbow, I didn't want to disappoint you or the others. The cancers beginning to be terminal." My heart skipped a beat dropping me to my knees.
It actually felt like I died inside. "The reason I've been so distant and antisocial, it's because I can't get close to someone without hurting them." I tried to get up but I kept tumbling grabbing his shirt "Zane?!?! Please~" he looked at me with a painful expression and swiped my hands away. "My things are already packed. I told my cousin to pick me up here at 7:30." The time now was 6:56. I looked at him and could not stop but plead and beg that this wasn't happening. I felt as though this was the start of something that I could never in my lifetime forget.

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