Friendly Visiter

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????? POV

The wind grazed my skin, my jacket swaying in a hypnotic motion. I love riding my bike, it really clears your mind, helping any problems that get in your way. As I'm trying to ride I feel something in my eye. It's hard not to scratch, I try to scratch my eye, avoiding passing blurs of people. I manage to blink it out, but- "Son of a-" "Gun." I stand up to catch a glimpse at the unlucky fellow. She had a rainbow like personality to her. That and her rainbow hair color.

"Hey uh sorry. Let me help you up." I reach my hand down to grab her hand which had a cut on it. I quickly snag her arm and pull her up. "H-hey I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cut your hand." She blinks twice looking at me with a concerned face. "Don't worry about it pal. Besides I had this cut from earlier." Confused about her answer. I brush her off and offer to help her out. She gladly accepts my pity and we ended up walking all the way to my house. When I say house I mean apartment. She starts to help me carry my bike up the stairs in generosity. "No need to help I got it." As we reach my floor I open my door to let her in. "Listen my names Rainbowdash by the way. I didn't get your name by the way." I turn to remark her adorable name, seeing as my name sucks. "I love your name. Mines Zane's." "Sweet name." I smile at her kind gentle voice.

I met this beautiful looking girl by hitting her with my bike. (Wow I sound like a major D-Bag). I offered her if she wanted anything and I ended up getting her water. "Hey is that Battle Royal Super Stars." Her eyes lit up like a flare and we started playing for two hours. She always beat me, but I kept getting her back. After we played for a while later we decided to watch TV then go outside. I showed her the old park next to my old school. We walked over to the swing set and sat down talking about our lives. She started to cry when she mentioned an old friend of hers. I swung one arm around her neck and hugged her. "I-I'm sorry. I'm so s-sorry. Please forgive me." Her muffled talking was kinda hard to understand, but I knew what she was saying. I picked her up like a we were getting married. Wait no, let me say that again.

"Can I stay with you." I stop in my tracks to her words. She was done crying by now, but still had tears on her cheeks. I blush at her words, I was about to say something to hide my blushing, but this rainbow haired girl made it hard not to blush, she leaned her head towards mine and I could the warm graceful touch of her lips on mine. I pull away to see the rainbow haired girl blushing a bright scarlet. I quickly take her hand and rush over to my apartment before the cold gets to us. As soon as we get there she plops on the couch. I sit next to her as The Nightmare Before Christmas comes on. Apparently it's both of our favorite movies. As the credits roll down the line I notice that Rainbowdash is passed out snuggling my arm. I ignore the movie and just close my eyes falling asleep. Today I think was the best day, new day, new friend, and soon a new school. I hope the students there are nice and loyal like this beautiful rainbow haired girl.


Hey. It's been a while. I'm glad I got this finished. Seeing now I introduced my new friend here. Well more like an idea. More will come out I just gotta get time to do it.

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