Jealous Love

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Kitty's POV

"Kitty. Listen, I've been meaning to ask you something." My heart was racing, I couldn't feel my legs. I think I lost my legs or I became a ghost. "Kitty. D-do you have any plans tomorrow." Ahhhhhhhh. I was screaming in my head. I couldn't help myself. It was so exciting to hear those words. I was about to kiss him right on his huge fake smile, but "Because you see my girlfriend is going to stay with her friends at some wonder bolts competition, and I wanted to see if you wanted to go."

My heart shattered. I couldn't stop crying to myself. I didn't cry out loud, but I cried in my head. I had to ask him who it was so I could at least know who my competition would be. "Her names Rainbowdash, come to think of it. Weren't you guys friends or something." As a matter of fact we were. Before when I used to go to Cloudsdale Middle school, I had a group of friends. Rainbowdash, AJ, Rarity, Pinkie, Twilight, and Fluttershy, but we used to call her Flutters. I don't think Zane remembered them though. He moved about a year after we graduated 7th grade. I guess he's back though.

I can't believe it. One of my friends, well best friends. Asked out the boy of my dreams. I had to talk to her, so I said yes to he's question about going to see the wonder bolts. "R-really. Cool, me and the girls will pick you up at 8:00." He gave me a huge hug and ruffled my hair like he used to. I guess it started to rain since Zane pulled out an umbrella and handed it to me "You should be going home. Isn't your brother waiting." I just remembered that my brother was waiting for me at the apartment. So I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek saying goodbye.

~A while later~

I walked to the stairs leading to my door and noticed my neighbor open her door. "Hey Jane. What are you up to." She turns around and we start having a conversation. Who knew that the girl who wouldn't talk to anyone, is now one of the most known girls at the school. "So your dating Flutters. How is she." "Oh she's fine. She's actually inside asleep. I thought I'd surprise her with a movie when she wakes up." When we finished catching up she quickly obtained a concerned face "So how was your little get together with Zane." I automatically found out that she was the girl on the phone from the other day. I thought we could catch up again, but she said she was busy but she'll see me around school. So I just decided to get inside my apartment before my brother freaks out.

"There you are. Do you know how long I've been waiting." "Look. Ok I've been busy. I kinda had my heart crushed so can you give me a break." My brother just stares at me in his black jacket with dark skinny jeans on. I guess he was either going somewhere or just got home. But he was going out someplace. "Alright look. I'm sorry you had your heart broken, but I needed you to call me. I was going to go on a date, but I had to wait for you to get home." I just sigh and apologize to him and he lets me slide with a hug and a kiss on my forehead. He started to head towards the door and leave, but he had to ruffle my hair, causing it to get a little curly. "You know a lot of guys would notice you if you just show yourself. And stop being so bashful." He slams the door behind him and I can hear his car speed off in the distance.

*Ding* my ringtone goes off when my brother leaves. I check to see who it is and as soon as I do that I hear a knock at my door. I open it and I'm soon met with a someone's chest and I nearly blush in the process. "Oh darling. I'm so sorry for what happened." I see that it's my friends all here to see me. When I see that they have snacks and pillows I remembered that the girls were going to stay at my house so we can all leave tomorrow for the wonder bolts competition. Pinkie, AJ, and Twilight jump onto the couch turning on the TV. While Rarity, Flutters, and Jane were in the kitchen getting bowls for snacks. "Hey kiddo. How have you been." I twisted my head around to see Rainbowdash was about to give me a hug. She wrapped her arms around my head since I was smaller than everyone. They always made jokes about my height but I know it was just for fun. I couldn't stand it though. My best friend is dating the guy I've been in love with for years. "H-hey Dashie. Can I talk to you." "Sure thing kid. About what though." I took her hand to lead her into my room. She just followed ideally as I was about to give the talk of her life. I was so mad I could've screamed and smacked her, but I would probably hurt myself in the process of doing so. "Dashie I-I can't believe you." She looks at me with a concerned and confused look. "What are you talking about." She stops herself and comes to her seances slightly smiling at me. "So. You heard about me and Zane huh. I thought you find out. Look kid it's not like I asked him. He asked me and I forgot about you having a crush. I'm so so sorry about it, but you remember though you weren't the only one who liked him." She hinted to the girls in the living room reminding me that most of the girls had fake crushes on him. Mostly so they could say that they dated him and crushed his heart. It was mean, but girls only did it because he would never talk to them or even ad knowledge that they were even there. No one knew why, but that thought it was because he hated people. I mean I've known him for years and he wouldn't really seem to hurt a fly literally he would just let them live saying how everything deserves even a little mercy.

I stop thinking and go back to being slightly mad at Dashie. "Kid you should know why I want to date him. So I can find out what his deal is. Why he's always so weird." Hearing those words almost made me cry. To think she would do that to him. I mean she's not in journalism so she doesn't need any reason to do that to him. "W-why. Why do that to him he's so innocent." She just looks at me and smiles "Kitty, I'm not doing this to hurt him. I'm mostly doing this for you. I'm trying to see if he really likes you." I couldn't believe my ears. Dashie was only doing this to see if he liked me. She's such a great friend and a real loyal person. I don't know why I would think that of her. She truly is a loyal friend.

Dashie's POV

I had to lie to her. I couldn't really tell her the real reason, it would crush her. She's been like a little sister to us, I can't just do such a thing to sweet girl. 'I hope you can forgive me. I'm truly sorry Kitty.'

MLP New Found LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora