The Truth and More

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Janes POV

I hopped right on the back of the rad lightning looking bike and was ready for where it took me. It was like I almost forgot about Fluttershy. 'Is this really happening to me." I kept thinking as we were riding down to the park. On the ride there I continued to hold to my seat of the bike until we got to the park which was the first spot. The second we got there Rainbow jumped off the bike and reached for my hand. I so badly wanted to burst into tears knowing that this was real, but I can't get my hopes up. She grabs my hand and doesn't let go the whole time. We were walking for an hour, getting to know each other more and more. After we talked I understood why she never mentioned her parents. "So your an orphan, may I ask how." She started to smile and explained it all "my mom left to go to live in Manhattan with my dad, after that my Grandparents adopted me in complete pity and regret thinking it was some how their fault." I couldn't help but cry after hearing that. I didn't tell her the real reason about my parents either, but we just blew it off and then left for the next spot.

On our second trip we decided to go to town. Rainbow had to take the fast lanes to get there so I had to hold on to her while we rode. I have to say it wasn't really all that uncomfortable, that is until I moved my arms from her waist to her chest then that's when things got embarrassing, well for me Rainbow was more focused on riding. After a while of riding she stopped right in front of the cafe, but after we stopped my sleeves got loose and my hands revealed what I've tried so hard to hide. I wished so hard that she didn't see them, but when she took her helmet off she grabbed my hands and began to look angry but yet sad. "W-what is this, Jane tell me what this is now." I began to become frightened and mad so I decided to yank my hands back and run. Run and never look back. Even if it meant losing everything I thrived to achieve.

Rainbows POV

The second Jane took off I threw my helmet to the ground and chased after her and didn't stop until I caught her. After a while of chasing her it began to pour down rain, but that didn't stop me I need to make sure Jane is ok. After 20 minutes of running the rain continued to pour down. I couldn't give up and that's when I saw it. It was the old swing set behind the Ponyville Middle school. The Black hooded girl was sitting there just sitting pretending nothing was happening around her. "J-Jane, Jane I'm, I'm sorry I didn't mean to freak out like that, but I couldn't stand to see you like that. It, it hurt my heart to see you like that. I hope you forgive me." She peaks from under her dark hoodie and I could see her tears from a mile away. She ran right up to me and swung her arms around me and I couldn't help but do the same. "Please, please, please Jane no more secrets. I'm sorry but I need to know what happened." She soon pulled away and went to pull her sleeves up to show her brutally injured hands. She began to cry, but I quickly took both her hands and held them to my lips. I could feel there cold dampness and pressed my lips to them and kissed her cuts to make the pain at least stop. "My mom." I stopped to look at her with s concerned face "what do you mean your mom. Did she do this." She tried to cut me off but failed. "My mom didn't do this... I did. I did it out of anger." I changed expressions from concerned to sadness. "Why, was it out of anger because you mom." She stared at me and nodded with a depressed face. "Please listen close Rainbow I'm going to tell you everything, but not here."

Janes POV

I took Rainbows hand and told her to take me to my house. She didn't bother to hesitate, she quickly snagged my hand and dragged me to the bike. I could still feel the harsh sting of the rain drops smacking my face, but luckily I got the helmet on and ignore the rain drops. Before I knew it we were at my house. She didn't even bother to remove her helmet she picked me up and carried me to the door. "Is this the place you had in mind." She asked as we started to walk in. I sit her down so we could talk, but before anything Rainbow grabbed two drinks from her pocket that she was hoping to share with me at the park but forgot to. She offered me one of the drinks so I took it explaining everything while enjoying my drink. "I'm so sorry to hear, You should have said earlier. So your mom died because your dad committed suicide." I nodded in shame as she repeated what I said. "The real reason my knuckles are the way they are is because every time I'm reminded of what happened I punch walls to calm myself down, but it never works." After everything was explained Rainbow set her drink down to give me a sympathetic hug so I accept out of sadness. We hugged for a fair amount of time and after that we stared into each other's eyes. Seeing her sparkling red eyes makes it hard to resist the edge to kiss her, but the second the thought comes to mind I feel this warm smooth surface press against my lips. I open my eyes to see that Rainbow is so close to me that I realize the warm feeling on my lips are her lips delicately and soothingly pressed against mine. We move in a slow passionate motion and soon get lost in each other's arms. She then pulls away blushing with a flirty smile. I don't even know what to say or how to respond except it's exactly as I thought it would be. Romantic.

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