Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

[Anne, 2:28, The Kremlin]

We couldn't stop, wouldn't stop, until we made it out of here. We couldn't die in the explosion. That wasn't in the plans, nor in our 'winging it' schedule.

"Where do we go?" I exclaimed, panic seeping into my voice.

"There should be a big entrance around here - somewhere." Catherine uttered. "The main door shouldn't be that hard to find."

We rushed past several closed doors. No alarm was set off, and nobody chased them even as we ran by.

"Ah!" Catherine exclaimed.

We found ourselves in a large entrance, a colossal door at the front.

"If there was a front door, why did we have to go through the trap?" I whispered as we sprinted to the door.

"Going underground seemed fun!" Catherine exclaimed, opening the incredibly large door. It must have been oiled often for it didn't creak, even after hundred of years. "Plus, this seems like the most obvious way in."

I nodded in agreement. We escaped out of the small opening of the door. Moonlight hit my pale face.

We came into a courtyard. I took in the Kremlin as a whole. The Kremlin looked like the castle from Aladdin. It was beautiful. No people were around, since it was pretty late.

There were buildings, business-like buildings all across the yard, and a red brick wall around the place, making it trapped in a V-shape. Watch towers were placed about ten feet away from each other. I would actually be sad to see this place go to pieces.

As we exited the premises of the Kremlin, I realized just how little time we had left.

"How are we going to get away?" I wondered out loud. Catherine shrugged, unsure herself.

A car, a black Nissan, came zooming up to where we stood in shock. I pushed Catherine back as the vehicle was about to hit her. Luckily, I saved her just in time.

We stood in shock, unsure of how to react.

The window of the car rolled down to show an older man with a scruffy beard.

"Joe?" Catherine exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"Hop in first." Joe instructed. We slid into the back seats as quickly as possible.

Just as I closed the door, Zoe was zooming off.

"Your father sent me to keep an eye on you." Joe explained.

"We would have been fine!" Catherine defied.

Joe scoffed. "And how would you have gotten away without a car?"

Catherine sulked, crossing her arms. "I guess you're right."

I watched the Kremlin that was now in the distance. We had long ago passed over the bridge, and were now headed out of Moscow. The outside world passed by in a blur, as we drove 200 km/h. It didn't bother me, considering Catherine likes to drive faster. That was why she was never allowed to drive.

Joe skidded, spinning the car a few times until it faced the city. No cars were on the road at this time. Gosh! We sure had been lucky!

"Isn't the Bomb supposed to..." I questioned, but wasn't able to finish my inquiry before a large explosion happened in the middle of the stunning Moscow.

"It's... so... beautiful!" Catherine gawked.

I chuckled, but couldn't help but mentally agree with Catherine.

Catherine escaped out of the car, most likely to get a better view.

I followed her lead, and exited the car. I sat beside Catherine on a fallen tree.

She rummaged around in her purse. "Where is that darned thing?"

"What are you looking for?" I wondered as I watched the flashing lights of the police and firetrucks.

"Ah-ha!" Catherine pulled out a pocket knife. "The only weapon I was able to bring overseas."

I shook my head in amusement. I was surprised she only brought one knife. That was all right though. I had my own knife. Plus my special four pointed throwing star.

I pulled the knife from my boot and played with it. A rustle sounded from behind us, and the knife flew from my hand.

When I actually turned around, I found a blonde boy with blue-green speckled eyes and a knife sticking out of the tree beside his head.

"Adam!" I jumped up from my seat, my throwing star in my hand.

"Hey babe!" Adam smirked as he crunched the twigs coming closer to us. He was soon five feet away now. Catherine and I stood at attention, our weapons in hand. Joe sat in the car, watching us intently. "How about a hello kiss?"

I took a few steps forward, and before he knew what happened, my fist crunched against Adams lips. He groaned in pain. I smiled, "ever heard the song 'Kiss With A Fist'?"

Adam smirked at me, his lips just starting to swell. "Have you ever heard 'Girl With One Eye'?"


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