Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty [Jet Pack Blues - Fall Out Boy]

[Catherine, 22:00, Outskirts of Ottawa]

When I got there, I found Anne holding Lucina down, the gun in Lucinas hand.

They were struggling for the possession of the pistol.

"Hey, Anne, you need any help?" I wondered, as I slowed to a stop in the alleyway.

"Nope!" Anne exclaimed, short on air. She only got like that when fighting me, someone of the same or more in fighting skill.

"Are you sure?" I asked.


"Shall I grab the gun for you?" I offered

"That'd be great. Just keep it from either of us. I want this to be a fair fight." Anne explained.

"Thats... completely... not fair!" Lucina exclaimed.

"Says the one who originally shot it! Traitor!" Anne spat.

I walked over the struggling forms of Lucina and Anne. Lucina tried to keep the gun away from me, but I just leant down and grabbed it.

"No!" Lucina hissed.

I smirked at her as I swung the pistol on my finger.

"You don't want any more help, Anne?" I asked.

"I'm good," was her response.

With the pistol out of their way, their struggling increased.

I took a seat on the curb of the alleyway, watching them.

"So whats the backstory from Lucina?" I wondered.

Lucina pushed Anne from on top of her, and stood up. Anne rolled backwards, just as Lucina was about to kick her.

She stood up, and got into her fighting stance.

"She was born in Canada, cornered by the Russians and told to cooperate with them, or they would kill her mother." Anne explained.

Lucina snarled at Anne, dropping and kicking Annes feet from underneath her, before choking her with her forearm.

"We... we could have helped you Lucina!" Anne choked out, she was struggling but I knew she would be able to get out.

"I wouldn't want help." Lucina glared. "They're correct about Canada. Canada is just a smug and evil country. The Canadian mafia aren't any better. They're the ones you should be fighting, instead of the Russians."

"Plus, you fell in love, so of course you wouldn't want to leave." I concluded. It all made sense now. So long as she was in love with Lucas, she would do anything for him and mom. She would even kill Anne for them.

"Yes, Adam and I fell in love." Lucina explained.

Lucina loosened her arm ever so slightly, and if I could tell, Anne could too. She head butted Lucina, and when her arms were free, pushed her off. Anne rolled the opposite way of Lucina.

"I don't know how you can stand to be around Anne, Catherine." Lucina spoke.

If Anne was showing any other emotion, she definitely wasn't anymore. Her face closed down. I knew that was her 'hurt feelings' face. She never wanted anyone to see her sad, no matter what.

Anne sprung at Lucina. Lucina deflected with a punch to the stomach.

"Oomph," Anne crumpled.

Anne straightened up, and threw both legs at Lucina. Lucina was surprised by the powerful force that Anne packed into her kick. Anne landed on her back, but so did Lucina.

Anne jumped to her feet, as quickly as possible.

I saw blood coming from her left shoulder. Her wound must have reopened.

I stared at Lucina, but she laid still. My eyes met Annes, my mouth gaping open, ready for anything. She stared down at Lucina, stoic expression, hiding her true feelings from me. She took slow steps over towards her old friend, and crouched down.

I trudged over to Lucinas body. Blood swarmed her head in patterns. Her chest rose in slight, tight breaths. I fell to her side, Anne already holding her head in her lap. Her hand stroked Lucinas short cocoa-coloured hair, now sticky from the blood. Her tanned skin seemed paler now.

Anne still cared for this girl. For the friendship that still flowed from every pore of Lucina. Even though she had betrayed us, she was still every part of us.

"I'm sor...ry," Lucina spluttered out. "You were friends I never deserved, and I betrayed anything that could have been." She coughed at that interval, blood gurgling out. "Please... all I wish is for you to forgive me."

Anne kissed her forehead, and I took her tiny hand. Her breathing slowed down until it stopped entirely. I closed her butterfly eyelashes for the last time.

We sat there in silence for a few moments. I knew we had to get going before someone got suspicious of the shots that were fired this night. I didn't want to remind Anne though, but it seemed I didn't have to.

"I suppose we should get going." Anne declared. Her face closed off, but I could see the tears in the corners of her eyes.

"I'll call Joe." I offered.

I left Anne to call Joe, our chauffeur. I hadn't called him in quite a while, but I think this counted as the perfect time for a call.

"Joe?" I spoke when a 'hello?' came from the other end.

"Catherine? I thought you were on a simple mission. Why do you need me?" His father-like tone questioned.

"We ran into some trouble. We have a body here, and we need a ride. Please come."

"I'm on my way." The line went blank, and I knew he would be here soon.

I looked over at Anne, and saw a tear run down her cheek. I went over to her and brought her into a hug.

"Ah!" Anne cried out in pain, her hand instantly going to her wound. It hadn't opened as much as it had before though.

"It's going to be okay, Anne, I promise." I took her hand instead.

She nodded. "She bore so much pain, Catherine. She was just like us. She had so many dreams, so many wishes, and so much to live for."

I wiped the stray tear from her cheek. "I know, Anne, I know."

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