Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

[Catherine, 18:19, Leduc]

"Did you know Leduc only has about 29 000 people in it?" Lucina spouted out.

"Was it really necessary to bring them along?" Jessica wondered. "Although, I don't mind us having Adam with us!" Jessica looked over at Lucas and sighed. He quickly moved behind me, as to not be seen by Jessica.

Max, Jessica, Lucas, Anne, Lucina and I were all standing outside of a warehouse on the outskirts of Leduc, Alberta. Just as Lucinas training started for a second time a phone call came in to my dad. He came rushing to us, telling us that a spy had been captured. The spy, Nana, had vital information about the Canadian Mafia Base and how it worked. Essentially, if the Russians got her to spill, it would be game over for us.

"Mr Zonde told us we should bring them along so they could get some training in before going to Ottawa." Anne explained, patiently.

"So shut your mouth!" I snapped.

Jessica opened her mouth to say something, but Max beat her to it. "Shut up, both of you. We have a mission, and we need to follow through with it!"

Jessica grumbled under her breath, but she didn't say anything more, knowing he was correct.

I looked over at Lucina, and saw she was fidgeting. She sure seemed nervous.

"Lucina" I said, as Lucina was putting away her fighting gear. While she was training, I had a revelation and I wanted to tell her.

"Yeah?" Lucina squeaked when she saw it was I who was speaking to her.

"Im sorry about earlier." I said. "I guess I was just jealous that you were stealing Anne from me. I also blame it on my hormones when Im on my period."

"Oh, okay then." Lucina furrowed her eyebrows a bit, but said nothing more than that.

"Friends?" I hold my hand out for her. She timidly took it, and shyly let go. I can't believe I actually thought she was from the Russian Mafia.

Even as I thought about it now, I silently chuckled.

"Adam, Lucina, you ready?" Anne asked, her fighting mode turned on.

"Yup!" Lucina squeaked in fear. Anne put her arm around her shoulders.

"You'll be fine!" Anne reassured.

"If I told you I was scared, would you put your arms around me too?" Lucas tried to flirt. I sighed and shook my head. Boys should know by now that you just don't flirt with Anne.

"Stop now, Adam, before I lock you in a closet with Frederick."

That stopped Lucas' attempt at flirting.

"Okay," Anne began, "Jessica and Max will head towards the left."

"But I wanted to be with Adam!" Jessica whined.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Would you liked some cheese with that wine?"

"Your just jealous that Adam likes me more than you!"

Both Lucas and I snorted. We hadn't told Jessica or Max of Lucas' relationship with our family.

"Lucina and I," Anne continued, mostly ignoring our banter, "will be going to right. Catherine and Adam will take the roof. You all ready?"

We nodded in response as Anne placed her mask on her face.

Anne nodded her head, and we split up into our small groups. Lucas and I saw our destined ladder.

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