Innocent Minds Always Get Tainted

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~~~~~Neon's P.O.V.~~~~~

I woke up and a bright light was staring at me and blinding me. Am I in a hospital? Oh yay! And I have random tubes on me. Wonderful. Where's the nurse? I wanna lollipop. Wait, oh no. I remembered all of what happened yesterday before I blacked out. What the-where's Lyric?! She's going to hurt me again!

"Neon, babygirl, calm down." Dahvie said. I guess he saw my face.

"C-Calm down?! Lyric is going to beat my ass and you expect me to calm down?!" I said.

"Baby, Lyric is in prison. It's all going to be ok."

"Really?" I said.

She's in prison? It's all over? He's not serious is is he? I can't believe it. Thank the candy gods she's gone. I wonder when this happened.

"Yeah, the cops came and arrested her. It's all over now." He said and I smiled.

"Yay! Wait..." I said.

I looked at my chest and saw the scabs forming. Forming in the shape of cruel words that were carved onto me. The words 'Ugly', 'Slut', 'Bitch', 'Retard', 'Worthless'  Were on my chest. I sighed and a tear escaped my eye. They'll go away right? I don't want to live with these words on my chest the rest of my life. I felt a thumb wipe my lost tear away.

"Monster, it'll be ok." He said.

"Th-the words.....They'll go away right?" I asked but he said nothing. "R-Right?" I said.

He looked down in silence. They won't go away? I'll have to live with these words the rest of my life? No. I don't want to. I don't want to see them staring at my all day every day.

"Oh..." I said and I looked around the room.

I saw the members of Black Veil Brides sitting down and Jayy and Vanity standing. They all had cuts and bruises. Why do they have those? Do they have those because of me? I feel bad. They didn't have to do that just for me. Seriously though, where's that nurse? I wanna lollipop.

"I'm sorry....You didn't have to do that. Now everybody's all messie uppie." I said.

"It's ok Neon. It was worth it. You're alive and that's all that matters." Andy said.

"Awww, huggie?" I said and held my arms out.

He smiled and gave me a hug. I smiled. I love hugs! He pulled away from the hug and I looked at Jayy.

"Oh that's wonderful. What am I to you? Fuckin dead?" He said while smiling.

"Oh for love of rainbows GROUP HUG!" I said and Jayy laughed.

We all pulled into a group hug and I giggled. I love hugs and now were in a big one! What if a random pony appeared and took us to Ice Cream Island? That would be awesome. Then I could meet Strawberry Shortcake. Their DVD's always smell good. I wonder why. They probably put Rainbows in the mix. We all pulled away and I smiled.

"There now nobody can't get all whiney and stuff." I said.

"Yeah but I still wanna hug." Jayy said.

"Oh Jesus Jayy get your tall ass over here." I said and smiled and we hugged and pulled away.

"Better?" I asked.

"Yes." He said.

"Yay! Everyone is all happy! Does anybody have a Dum Dum? Apparently the doctors took them out of my bra. Them creepers." I said.

"You keep lollipops in your bra?" CC asked.

"Yeah. Don't you guys keep Dum Dum's in your bra?" I asked.

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