Pure Hearts Always Beat The Black Hearted

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First I would like to say ermahgerd 414 reads?! 17 votes?! 30 comments?! Wow. This is a lot! OMFG it may not be a lot to some people because they are all fancy pancy writer and crap but it's a shit ton load for me! Ermahgerd! I am going to go fangirl now and scream and then my mom is going to come into my room all like "What the fuck Scarlett?!" and then I will drop to my knees and yell "NARNIA HAS COME AND GRACED ME WITH THE WARDROBE" and she will then proceed to walk out slowly.


 ~~~~~Neon's P.O.V.~~~~~

I saw Lyric leave and I heard her lock the door. I didn't have time to call Dahvie until, hopefuly, now. Lyric has been beating me almost the whole time. I waited a couple minutes to make sure she was gone then I took out my phone. I need to talk to my Rainbow. I turned my phone on and I remembered that I charged my phone before I left the bus. I went through my contacts and saw the one I wanted 'Rainbow' I pressed the green boutton and he picked up on the second ring.

"Neon?!" He said. He sounded worried.

"H-hello rainbow." I whispered.

"Neon! Are you ok?!" He asked. Lyric must have sent him the video.

"Yeah. J-just fine. I've had awesomer days though."I said, trying to hole back my tears.

"God. I've been so worried. It's nice to hear your voice." He said.

"It's nice to hear yours too," I smiled, "can you put me on speaker?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure." He said.

"Thank you." I said.

"No problem Monster." He said and I smiled at his nickname for me.

"Is that neon?!" I heard a familar voices shout. Jayy and Vanity.

"Yeah." Dahvie said and I heard a crash and something fall and I giggled.

"Neon?! Are you ok?!" Vanity shouted.

"Yes, but, chill out Vanity. If Lyric hears me i'm dead. Literally." I said.

"Oh. Sorry Neon." She said.

"It's ok. It's good to hear from you." I said

"Hey Neon. Good to hear that your alive. Don't worry, you'll be back with us soon." He said and I smiled.

"Good. I miss you pickle." I said and I heard him chuckle.

"I miss you to, you hyper mother fucker." He said and I giggled.

"It's not the same without you." Dahvie said.

"You bet it's not." Vanity said.

"I know, it's not the same without you guys either." I said.

There was a loud crash on the other side of the phone. Crap. That was really loud, what if Lyric heard that? I'd be dead. No joke.

"Crap! I'm sorry Neon! I dropped the plate I was holding." Vanity said.

 "It's ok-" I stopped myself as I heard footsteps coming toward the door. "Crap. I think she's coming! I gotta go!" I whisper yelled.

"Monster! Please..." Dahvie said.

"Rainbow. I'll be ok." I told him

"I'm not so sure." He said.

"If I stay on the phone, she'll hear you and i'll be in big trouble." I told him and I heard him sigh.

"Ok. Just...text me. ok?" He said.

"I will. Don't worry, i'll be fine." I said, not too sure myself.

Death To Your Heart ~A Blood On The Dance Floor Fan-Fiction~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz