no! not my bunny!

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(note: on the side is a picture of her bunny :D)

Neon's p.o.v.~

I was in my bed. You know the state where you're like half awake and half asleep, but you don't want to open you're eyes? Yeah, i'm in that state. I was about to fall back asleep and into dreamland when Vanity busted in. no matter, i'm still going back to sleep.

“NEON!” she screamed my name, and it would've woken up the normal person.

“hmmm?” was all I managed to get out.

“get you're lazy ass up!” she said, but I stayed just where I was.

She tried to get me out of the bed by jumping, screaming, poring water on my face, etc. but it didn't work out so well. I didn't move an inch. I felt myself fall to the floor and I hit my head.

“OWIE!” I yelled. I gave her a look, “run.” was all I said.

Vanity ran off and I chased her, “i'm gonna get you!” I yelled.

Vanity runs fast, yes., but I run faster. I'm also barefoot running outside, wearing shorts and a tank top, chasing Vanity looking like the maniac I am. I'm a nice person until I get woken up when I don't need to be. I wonder what time it is.....i finally catch up with vanity. I did one big leap and yelled in the process. We were both on the ground, she screamed and I laughed a little bit, then I remembered that I got woken up. and I started tickling the life out of her.

“s-stop! Or e-else!” she said while laughing.

“or else what?” I said, still tickling her.

“o-or i'll throw away homicide!” she yelled and I stopped dead in my tracks.

Homicide is my plush bunny. I've had him since I was in fourth grade! She wouldn't dare! But, I have homicide on me right? I felt around me and I didn't feel him. Vanity! I looked at her in horror and she held homicide by his left leg.

“no! Homicide! Give him back to me!” I yelled.

“get off of me, and we have a deal.” she said.

I slowly got off and she threw me homicide and I caught it right before it was about to go on the ground.

“your lucky I didn't actually commit homicide!” I yelled and I heard laughing behind me.

I looked at vanity and she just smiled proudly. i held homicide close to my chest and I slowly turned around. I saw Dahvie and Jayy? What the hell are they doing here? How did they find my house? THEIR STALKERS!

“no were not.” Dahvie said.

Their inside of my head! What The Fuck!

“were not inside of your head.” Jayy said, they were still laughing.

How the hell do they know what i'm thinking?!

“you're not thinking it. You're saying it out loud.” Dahvie said.

“oh.....CANDY!” I yelled.

I ran over to Vanity and she handed me a blowpop. I put it in my mouth, watermelon! I like the cotton candy  flavored one! What the hell?

“this is watermelon.......i asked for cotton candy!” I whined.

“they were out! It's not my fault you're so picky!” she defended.

“GAHH!” I yelled.

I held up my hand and got ready to chuck the blowpop at her. i would've chucked it at her to, if there wasn't a hand holding wrist. i looked over and saw Jayy. damn men and their strongness. i threw the blowpop into my other hand and got ready to chuck it. sadly i was stopped. DAMN IT! i want to chuck my blowpop at her! humph.

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